Tantric sluts whaaatThe more a society represses sexuality and self-empowerment in Women - including their right to define who they Are, how they represent...
A little share about Tesla. Warnings, sexuality evolution, humanityOn the flip side what of our men? And BTW if all you get out of this blog is the pics ...my #teachings and tantric style may be too...
Sacred Masculine YabYum intro for my couplesWhat a True #sacredMasculine and #divinefeminine Say n Feel this. A bit mushy for some but legit. Expresses the roles honorably and...
What do I see? You but differentWhat do I see when I look at you and look into you? Oh a little bit of this A little bit of a gnostic, esoteric, mystic, kabbalah, tree...
Inadequacy is InThe feeling of inadequacy is like a phase of the separation period in the embodiment or what we call lifetime. I will give you more on it...