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The Shamanic Breath Intro & Psychonaught journey

The psychonaught tantric and spiritual seeker journey is one that evolved from an in person journey into an online offering during the covid crisis. Change is inevitable and this offering evolved into something that was more comfortable for many but above all more accessible not just during lockdowns but many saw this was also more possible in the comfort of home even in regular times.  For many this is a purely breath experience which is fantastic and I shall describe a bit more of the experience with some examples and following that I will explain a bit more of the experience with the use of microdosing or plant medicine. 

But to give you a little more background on where I am coming from on this without making it a book!  Here is more info on my background, "feels" on this and info on the Psychonaught journeys.  When I was doing my own personal journeys for Shamanic path and living in remote areas spending time with either indigenous from those areas or visiting Shaman, medicine woman, etc. I learned various breath techniques for extending my journeys with plant medicines but also without the use of anything. A guide's energy, you learn,  is very precious and a big part of the journey. Bringing this up to the medicine women whether in Central America or Hawaii was something they already knew of and spoke with me about in sharing several trance inducing breaths and knowledge. 

Later I found that some of these same ancient and at times indigenous techniques and practices ~ were also techniques being used by various "Certification" sellers that didn't give the indigenous the true credit they deserved. I too took a certification for a well known breath therapy practice and was later told that they ~ "certification seller"~ did not approve with me mixing it with mainly >Tantra< and tantric journeys. For me, it was an obvious way to get to  that deep relaxation journey that took the massage (pressure point/meridian) healing hands and energy work to another leve.I made a very known statement even on this website saying that in that case I would not use the trademarked name nor deny and make known that; using healing breath was nothing new and not something that you can just pack up and coin and sell to anyone with the cash because it has been done since very early Shamanic practices all over global history and not only by them but the Taoist, Hindu and then some.

Using pure breath for past lives was something I had been using personally with people that came to me as well as using breath for altered state release during tantric practices. Teaching it and passing the teachings on with integrity and giving credit where credit was due became more and more important to me.   These techniques and practices although needing to be passed on with utmost care should be available to all and not always at the key price of thousands of dollars. With these practices what is most important is being a true guide if you are a guide and an open-hearted, open-minded, ready to do the work, seeker if you are a seeker.  As a guide having the personal experiences in the "real" and not only in a classroom or virtual environment is important. Having hands on experience in the jungle or in the forest with a person who has not dedicated the rest of their lives to selling is key. Their vision is not cloudy nor intent for the work jaded. What they are interested in is your true devotion or true intent for the journey. 

All experience something within the first 5 minute block. We do three 5 minute blocks or rounds with inbetween rest periods that also include breath. By the second round~ colors get brighter, sensations get more intense such as tingles in the hands and feet etc. as well as other noticable things. What surprises many is the speed at which this works. The effectiveness. The next surprise is how intense the 3 rounds are in an absolutely "New" way and how suddenly things buried way in there (psyche or emotional blockage) come out to the surface. For some with serious trauma often the Intro session brings up things they need a moment to digest and to decide if they truly want to go into this because Guess what?You will and can and it's not a gimmick. The intro always allows that small taste of it and gives These breath techniques include and vary in terms of the type of journey and purpose but normally include a mixture of the following~

The use of Shamanic breath techniques used by indigenous peoples. Nagual techniques are those with birth in Mesoamerica and ways that took the seeker into awareness of the non ordinary. They believed much in the animal spirit kingdom, in the connection of the person to specific animal energies. Even in passing on the teachings of the Quodoushka which are from the Nagual Medicine women of Mexico, the connection to the human anatomy and the animal kingdom is taught. Connection to the animal realm is much appreciated and important in my journeys because indeed, we are Animals. We are mammals and there just like in all else the connection exists. Someone that gave the Nagual mainstream at least Psychedelic main stream attention was Carlos Castaneda. The teachings of Don Juan and Carlos Cataneda writings gave much importance to many things but among them to the Dream state and the union of the healer/dreamer and warrior. A healer must have the courage of a warrior. The Shaman or guide can guide and teach you techniques and ways but ultimately it IS you who must confront and heal any aspects of the Shadow yourself. No one can do it for you. 

The Nagual and other traditions use many techniques that are very animalistic in origin. Some techniques are much like panting even with tongue out much like the Kundalini breathing practice.

Here a quote from Don Juan:THE BEST WAY TO ENTER INTO DREAMING IS TO CONCENTRATE ON THE AREA JUST AT THE TIP OF THE STERNUM, AT THE TOP OF THE BELLY. THE ATTENTION NEEDED FOR DREAMING STEMS FROM THAT AREA. THE ENERGY NEEDED IN ORDER TO MOVE AND TO SEEK IN DREAMING STEMS FROM THE AREA AN INCH OR TWO BELOW THE BELLY BUTTON. THAT ENERGY IS THE WILL, OR THE POWER TO SELECT, TO ASSEMBLE. IN A WOMAN BOTH THE ATTENTION AND THE ENERGY FOR DREAMING ORIGINATE FROM THE WOMB.” Basically the breath techniques used from the Nagual are for that connection to the inner animal, to the animal web/connection and to the inner warrior and dreamer. All of which is most necessary. In dream state we pay attention to the non ordinary, our mind us not labeling and decifering for us what is important or not, we are not following the mind instead we are free to experience the dream and allow it to unfold. When in a journey we want to awaken that in the waking and use it while conquering the mind and owning it. Adding in elements like the fearlessness of the animal kingdom

or the stealth abilities or the navigation system is part of all this in order to produce a safe and productive altered state. Of course an entire library can be written on the teachings of my people, traditions, ways and of the teachings of Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan but for this purpose am trying to keep it informative yet as short as possible for the intent of the web page. 

Another tradition and where certain elements to the journey are derived from, is the Yoruba tradition. Yoruba trance breath~The Yoruba culture originated in Nigeria and  they would perform sacred rituals in which they would enter a trance. This trance was often much more intense for some present at the rituals but all experienced a trance or form of altered state for the purposes of these rituals.  The state of trance very early on in my research became significant, as even back in their origin times they would use only breath and drumming, beat, frequency, rhythmic breathing, open mind open heart. Plant Medicine as far as chewing of leaves or roots was incorporated by some chosen ones in the ritual but not by all. The type of breath used has passed the test of time as has the drumming and the use has remained but the true more intense methods still used more so in very sacred and private religious/spiritual group practices like the making of a new priest/priestess and so on.  The value of the rhythmic breath in sync with the drumming and frequency was not only used in the Yoruba tradition but also in more advanced tantric and gnostic as well as Taoist traditions. So all very much related. Pranayama in Hindu yoga is the regulation of the breath through techniques and practices as well. Pranayama has benefits in improving the respiratory system, nervous system and heart rate. This being of much importance when designing a sequence for a seeker. Passing on daily exercises for before and after not only assists with anxiety but for regulation of heart rate and circulatory system. All that improves the quality of our breath is great not just for journeys but for daily life.

 Taoist breath techniques go hand in hand with much of the Hindu based in that they are geared towards bringing that beautiful energy not only into the body but into specific key areas like the womb, heart, Testies and higher energy centers or chakras. This specific targeting becomes of much importance when designing a session/ journey for a very specific reason. Other times people approach it from an energy body perspective. Theses people are knowledgeable about their chakras and how blockages at these can prevent them from living a fuller life, from experiencing themselves as the Physical and energy body that they are and perhaps diving into the raising of the Kundalini energy. With these journeys we go in increments because each center affects the next and blocked lower chakras or energy centers affect the energy from fully reaching the higher energy centers. It is always best to approach these journeys that produce or magnify an altered state with care verses rush for a sale. It is always however very individual and very much about the openess of both the guide and the seeker for the experience. 

At times I pass on mudras which also direct the flow of energy when we must dive even deeper or need more of the physical bodies abilities as gifts for this. These mudras are things I teach for later use as well and are not used at all times. The use of specific sounds that have been historically used by more than one tradition is also something I incorporate. At times more so throughout the journey than with others. Always depending on the specific intent of the seeker/traveler/journey man or woman..haha and indeed the psychonaught. Which moves us into the various reasons people are experimenting with magic mushrooms, led and microdosing.  Each person I find has very personal reasons for doing these as well.

Doing these for the psychonaught psychedelic times community has been amazing because the benefits of microdosing are taken Next level. The focus and awareness, for example, is longer lasting as is the closer connection to that inner bliss as well as longer or at times even daily and longer states of inner peace. 


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