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A little Manly P. Hall & A drop of Wilson

To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. Manly P. Hall entheognosis The face and form of Isis were covered with a veil of scarlet cloth, symbolic of ignorance and emotionalism which forever stand between man and Truth. Isis lifts her veil and discovers herself to be the true and wise investigator who unselfishly, humble, and earnestly seeks to understand the mysteries which surround him in the universe. Those to whom she reveals herself are warned to remain silent concerning the mysteries which they have seen. The great admonition of the Wise Men was: “If you known it, be silent.” To the vulgar and profane, the infidel and disinterested one, she does not uncover her face, for they could not understand the secret processes of the invisible worlds. Manly. P. Hall Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is symbolic of the divine activity by which it is produced. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the symbol remains inscrutable. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages Ten Basic Rules For Better Living by Manly P. Hall 1. Stop worrying The popular idea that a worrier is a thoughtful and conscientious citizen is false. The Egyptians realized this when they included worry among the cardinal sins. Do not confuse thoughtfulness and worry. The thoughtful person plans solutions, but the worrier merely dissolves in his own doubt. If you think straight, you will have less cause for worrying. The worrier not only suffers the same disaster many times, but undermines his health and annoys all others with whom he comes into contact. There are many things in this world that require thoughtful consideration, but there is really nothing to fear but fear. 2. Stop trying to dominate and posses your friends and relatives Each of us likes to feel that he is running his own life. The moment we recognize the rights of others to seek life, liberty, and happiness according to their own dreams, hopes, and aspirations, we begin to conserve our own resources. It is very debilitating to give advice which is ignored or rejected, and equally disappointing to attempt to posses and dominate persons who immediately resent and combat our dictatorial tendencies. We are hurt when they do not see things our way. If we save advice for ourselves and those who seek it from us, and who are therefore grateful, all concerned will be the better. 3. Moderate ambition There is a tendency to overlook natural and simple blessings while we plunge on toward distant goals. Each individual has certain capacities. If he can recognize his own abilities and work with them, he can attain personal security. If, however, he is constantly seeking that which is not reasonably attainable, he can never know happiness or contentment. The wise man observes the disastrous results of uncontrollable ambitions, and chooses moderation. It is not necessary to be famous in order to be happy, nor must one be the leading citizen in the community in order to gratify ones social instinct. The ambitious usually pay too much for what they get, and are the more miserable after they get it. 4. Do not accumulate more than you need There is no real distinction in being the richest man in the graveyard. Many earnest citizens act as though there were pockets in shrouds. We are supposed to have outgrown the primitive belief that we should bury a mans goods with him so that his spirit might enjoy them in the afterworld. Here, again, the middle course is the wisest. Let us reserve some of our energy for enjoyment, and not give all of ourselves to the task of accumulation. Many a man who has made a million has not lived to spend it. A rich life can be more practical than a monumental bank account. 5. Learn to relax Great tension is an abomination. The more tense we become, the more stupidly we are likely to act, and, according to the old Buddhists, stupidity is a cardinal sin. Today, many so-called efficient people are perpetually on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This is not so likely to be due to overwork as to unreasonable driving impulses from within themselves. Some say that they are overtaxing their resources to keep their jobs or to maintain extravagant families. Whether you believe it or not, you are a better producer and a better provider if you do not collapse from psychic exhaustion at some critical moment when you are most in need of good health. If your associates do not realize this, they may be in need of practical counsel. 6. Cultivate a sense of humor As never before, we must brighten and lighten the corners where we are. The more seriously we take ourselves and our responsibilities, the duller we become. It is a saving grace to realize that, although living is a serious matter, we can take it too seriously. Also bear in mind that genuine humor is not bitter, cynical, or critical. It is the ability to laugh with the world and not at the world. If we must laugh at someone, let it be ourselves. Humor is a spice to living. It adds flavor to work, zest to play, charm to self-improvement, and proves to others that we have a security within ourselves. A sincere, happy laugh, like the joyous rippling of childrens laughter, relieves tension and restores good nature. Incidentally, it makes friends and inspires confidence. 7. Find a reason for your own existence Unless you believe in something bigger than yourself, have some purpose more vital than accumulation or advancement in business or society, you are only existing, not living. A simple pattern is to realize that the laws of Nature that put you here seem to be primarily concerned with growth. You are a success to the degree that you grow, and you grow to the degree that you become a wiser, more useful, and more secure person. In other words, we live to learn, and by this very process, we learn to live. Broaden your horizon, develop an interest in all that is fine, beautiful, and purposeful. Great internal good comes from the love for music, art, great literature, broad philosophy, and simple faith. Strengthen the inside of your nature, and the outside will be better. 8. Never intentionally harm another person Never by word or deed return evil for good, or evil for evil. Weed negative and destructive thoughts and emotions out of your personality, or they will ultimately contribute to your misery. As we look around us, we see the tragic results of individuals and nations that harbor grudges or nurse the instincts for revenge. The harmless life saves those who live it from many of the mortal shocks that flesh is heir to. Our critical attitudes and our long memories of evils that others have caused only reduce our present efficiency and endanger health and vitality. Even the selfish man realizes that he cannot afford to keep a grudge, and the unselfish simply will not permit grudges to accumulate because they know better and they believe better. 9. Beware of anger When ill-temper controls us, we are no longer able to control ourselves. In a moment of anger, we may create a situation which will require years to remedy. Why should we spend our time trying to recover from our own mistakes? If we disapprove, let us state our case simply and quietly, and remember that we should never try to correct another when we have already committed a fault as great as his. A quick temper is a serious handicap in business or in the home. It is useless to say that we cannot control anger. This is as much as to admit that we have lost the power to control ourselves. If we resent the unkindness of others and the collective irritability of this generation, let us make sure that we are not one of the irritating factors. 10. Never blame others for our own mistakes It is hardly necessary. Each of us seems to have an incredible capacity to do things badly and select unwisely. Actually, we are in trouble because we have not made constructive use of the power and abilities which we received as a birthright. Others can hurt us only while our inner life is too weak to sustain in the presence of trial or test. Instead of resenting misfortunes, and seeking to excuse our own limitations, we must face the facts. Either we are stronger than the problem and can solve it intelligently, or the problem is stronger than we are, and the only solution is to increase our own strength. Others are not to blame for our unhappiness. Each man must seek his own peace of mind, and, as the Arabian Nights so well expressed it, happiness must be earned. "Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization." -Manly P. Hall There are 33 degrees of the spinal column, or the Tree Trunk, which must be climbed with the Sacred Seed of Alchemy and each ‘step’ or each ‘degree’ leads to higher states of illumination. The Alchemical ‘hero’ travels below into the abyss of Hell to steal fire from the devil and return it above to the Heavens; this represents our battles with sexual desire and the returning of the Sacred Seed above. 33 vertebrae exist in total, 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoraic, 5 lumbar in the small of the back, 5 fused vertebrae forming a solid bone, the sacrum (tail bone). Looks like an inverted pyramid and was also called “the seat of immortality.” In the coccyx, at the bottom of the sacrum are fused 4 bones. If you were to multiply the number of vertebrae, 33 by 2, counting both sides of the vertebrae on the spinal column we will find the number 66. (33 x 2=66) 6 is the number of man, for he was created on the 6th day, there are also 66 books of the Bible given to man. (66 + 6=72) As for the Human Skull. It has 22 bones, it sits at the top of the spinal column. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, the 22nd letter, Tav, means Light. There is much to be said about t his which we will deal with in other writings. At the top of Jacob’s Ladder stood Yahweh, the Light of the world. The light of the body is the eye (mind-brain), says Jesus. 22 is the Number of Light. If we lift up or raise the oil in the spinal cord, by the power of the seed, by saving it, it must be a physiological and chemical operation within the body of each of us. Such is the case. There is no mystery, no marvel in all the universe that is greater than man himself. “Man know thyself” confronts us, down through the ages, but only a few have paid attention to the voice of the Delphic oracle only a few have looked within. There is a wonderful “Strait and narrow way,” a real strait, not straight, which extends from the upper brain, the cerebrum, to the end of the spinal cord, otherwise named Jordan, in the Bible. We find that the meaning of this in Hebrew is, descender or “River of God.” The “Strait and narrow way is, indeed, the River of God, for it leads to the Father the Most High the upper brain “The same is true of the manna that descended to feed the Children of Israel in the wilderness , for this manna is a substance which comes down the Spinal cord from the brain. The Hindus symbolized the spine as the stem of the sacred lotus;therefore the skull and contents are symbolized by the flower. The spinal column is Jacob’s ladder connecting heaven and earth, while its 33 segments are the 33 degrees of Freemasonary and the 33 the number of years in the life of the Christ. Up these segments the candidate ascends in consciousness to reach the temple of initiation located on the top of the mountain. It is in this domed room with a hole in the floor (Foramen Magnum) that the great mystery initiations are given.” ~ Manly P. Hall; The Occult Anatomy of Man The Key Those who dedicate themselves to the processes of discipline and self improvement set down by the old masters, are preparing themselves to enter the house of wisdom by the proper gate. On the other hand, such foolish mortals as believe they can breathe, chant, intone, psychologize or affirm themselves into a state of all knowing are trying to pick locks for which they have not filed the key. Manly P. Hall - Words to the Wise: A Practical Guide to the Esoteric Sciences. Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 “The serpent is true to the principle of wisdom, for it tempts man to the knowledge of himself…the serpent is the symbol of prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil. If this be not so, why did Moses raise a brazen serpent upon a cross in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might be saved from the sting of lesser snakes? Was not the brazen serpent a prophecy of the crucified Man to come: If the serpent be only a thing of evil, why did Christ instruct His disciples to be as wise as serpents?" ~ Manly P. Hall Afrakan Prophecy Fulfilled!! The words of Thoth,Hermes or Djehuty. The day will come when Egypt(Afraka) will forget it’s gods(land). That it will deteriorate,depart from the heavens, build false images,false goals, and false purposes. To justify it’s own errors. It will go into a state of conflict with all other things, it will waste the values of the earth. The earth will be impoverished(stripping of natural resources) , humanity will have no concepts of it’s responsibility(No fathers or mothers),but will live for pleasure and profit alone(capitalism). Gradually the planet will become a desert, Everything that is useful will not be able, to recover. Despite this that something inside of humans can not die. The light inside of the person would revolt against the conduct Once its revealed that selfish,stupidity caused it, that indivdual will go back to the gods(nature). And find the divine principle with in himself. And invoke a new world out of his own repentance. - Manly P Hall It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense of the human soul, mind, and body. Manly P. Hall

"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language." ~Manly P. Hall Mind and Consciousness “The phenomena of human consciousness must be regarded as activities of some other form of Real Being than the moving molecules of the brain. They require a subject or ground which is in its nature unlike the phosphorized fats of the central masses, the aggregated nerve-fibers of nerve-cells of the cerebral cortex. This Real Being thus manifested immediately to itself in the phenomena of consciousness, and indirectly to others through the bodily changes, is the Mind [manas]. To it the mental phenomena are to be attributed as showing what it is by what it does. The so-called mental 'faculties' are only the modes of the behavior in consciousness of this real being. We actually find, by the only method available, that this real being called Mind believes in certain perpetually recurring modes: therefore, we attribute to it certain faculties. … Mental faculties are not entities that have an existence of themselves. … They are the modes of the behavior in consciousness of the mind. And the very nature of the classifying acts which lead to their being distinguished, is explicable only upon the assumption that a Real being called Mind exists, and is to be distinguished from the real being known as the physical molecules of the brain's nervous mass. … We conclude, then, from the previous considerations: the subject of all the states of consciousness is a real unit-being, called Mind; which is of non-material nature, and acts and develops according to laws of its own, but is specially correlated with certain material molecules and masses forming the substance of the Brain.” — Prof. George T. Ladd, Elements of Physiological Psychology

Periodically, according to great cycles, SPACE caused to emerge from its own nature, Primordial Unity—the objectification of Being, Life, and Light. The first manifestation was called the Opened Eye and was designated by the Cabalists KETHER, the Crown of the Eternal Glory. MN SOPH, the Absolute, was life in suspension. KETHER, the first-born of the Absolute, was life in expression. Within the nature of Kether was manifested polarity which is the foundation of activity. The polarities were called ABBA, the father, and AIMA, the mother. Abba was the positive manifestation of spirit as force, energy, and power. Aima was the negative manifestation of spirit as matter, substance, and receptivity. From the union of Abba and Aima, energy and substance, was produced form. Manly P. Hall, How To Understand Your Bible

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth..." The words "heaven and earth" are also misleading, through inadequate translation. By heaven and earth should be understood a superior and inferior condition; a separation of qualities, not a division of a place. The average reader will think of heaven as the firmament and the earth as the planet; and this interpretation will destroy entirely the significance of the verse [Gen 1:1]. It would be better to interpret heaven and earth as spirit and matter, or the subtle and the gross, in the sense of vibration or qualities of life and vitality. The words "In the beginning" also present difficulties. The wise student will interpret them as "from that which is first" or "in eternal principles" or "that which was in the beginning." Manly P. Hall, How To Understand Your Bible

THE NINE WORLDS OF THE ODINIC MYSTERIES] The Nordic Mysteries were given in nine chambers, or caverns, the candidate advancing through them in sequential order. These chambers of initiation represented the nine spheres into which the Drottars divided the universe: (1) Asgard, the Heaven World of the Gods; (2) Alf-heim, the World of the light and beautiful Elves, or Spirits; (3) Nifl-heim, the World of Cold and Darkness, which is located in the North; (4) Jotun-heim, the World of the Giants, which is located in the East; (5) Midgard, the Earth World of human beings, which is located in the midst, or middle place; (6) Vana-heim, the World of the Vanes, which is located in the West; (7) Muspells-heim, the World of Fire, which is located in the South; 8) Svart-alfa-heim, the World of the dark and treacherous Elves, which is under the earth; and (9) Hel-heim, the World of cold and the abode of the dead, which is located at the very lowest point of the universe. It is to be understood that all of these worlds are invisible to the senses, except Midgard, the home of human creatures, but during the process of initiation the soul of the candidate—liberated from its earthly sheath by the secret power of the priests—wanders amidst the inhabitants of these various spheres. There is undoubtedly a relationship between the nine worlds of the Scandinavians and the nine spheres, or planes, through which initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries passed in their ritual of regeneration. ▪️Manly P. Hall #nine realms

#manly p hall#pythagorus#the secret teachings of all ages#manly p hall#pythagorus#the secret teachings of all ages

As enlightenment increases, the desire to share it increases; but with this desire comes the realization that it is impossible to share the Real. Realization is an inward experience which can come only to those who have won it in their own right. It cannot be conferred. The impulses which realization bestows upon the personality will not be understood by others less developed. Excerpt from Self-Unfoldment by Disciplines of Realization, Illumination, page 183


Trinity Symbolism “The first trinity (the upper circle) consists of God the Father(space) and the nature of his triple profundity; the second trinity (the middle circle), God the Son(spirit) in his triple sphere of intellection; the third trinity (the lower circle), God the Holy Spirit(matter), the Formator with his formative triad which is the foundation of the world. God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Christian triad, is synonymous with Jehovah, the racial god of the Jews; Shiva, the destroyer-creator of the Hindus; and Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld. Zeus is the God of Form he manifests as a trinity, his spiritual nature bearing the name Zeus. The intellective nature, soul or mediatory nature of Zeus is termed Poseidon and his lowest or objective material manifestation, Hades. Father, mother, and child constitute the natural trinity. The Mysteries glorified the home as the supreme institution consisting of this trinity functioning as a unit. Pythagoras likened the universe to the family. These three constituted the Divine Family, whose dwelling place is creation and whose natural and peculiar symbol is the 47th problem of Euclid. Spirit is the (Yang) positive polarization of Space; Matter is the(Yin) negative polarization of Space. Spirit and Matter exist together in Space. Space, Spirit and Matter are the first Trinity, with Space the Father, Spirit the Son, and Matter(Mother) the Holy Ghost. The seed of spirit is sown in the womb of matter, and by an immaculate (pure) conception the progeny is brought into being. Is not this the true mystery of the Madonna holding the Holy Babe in her arms? While on the subject of the trinity, the dot, the line, and the circle, there is one very simple application of the principle which we insert in order to emphasize the analogies existing through the entire structure of human thought. Take a simple problem in grammar. The noun, which is the subject of the sentence, is analogous to the dot; the verb, which is the action of the subject, is analogous to the line; and the object, which is the thing acted upon, is analogous to the circle. These analogies may also be traced through music and color and through the progression of chemical elements. Always the trinity of the dot, the line, and the circle has some correspondent, for it is the basis upon which the entire structure of existence and function--both universal and individual--has been raised. ” -Manly P Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy

And a drop of Robert Anton Wilson

The Hermetic tradition was that there is no such thing as pure reason, you have to first work on your own perceiving apparatus to correct your prejudices, and the scientist is not separate from what the scientist observes. The general yogic attitude, “You are the master that makes the grass green", western science lost that insight, and from Newton onwards we have the idea that it doesn’t matter who you are, if you follow scientific procedure you’ll find the truth. This began to break down after 1900, due to Sigmund Freud, who pointed out that even scientists, they’re human beings, they may have neurosis, and they may have elaborate rationalizations for neurosis. The influence of Karl Marx pointed out that no matter what you’re theorizing about it’s a mirror of your economic status. Anthropologists started coming back with reports of alternative reality tunnels, and that no matter what reality tunnel you live in, the world will organize itself in your perception to be compatible with that reality tunnel. So, science began to have data to look at science itself critically. That’s how intelligence increases, when intelligence looks at intelligence and criticizes intelligence. So we got to the point where we could look at science and say, “science is the product of people!” People are doing this, and their prejudices are getting into it. It’s not just enough to say you will be objective, you’ve got to learn to change yourself from the inside out before you can even approximate towards objectivity." "Never believe fully in anybody else’s B.S. (Belief System), I don’t care if it’s Rajneesh, The Pope, L. Ron Hubbard, Al Gore, George Bush...I don’t care who it is, don’t swallow all of their belief system totally. Don’t accept all of their bullshit, all their B.S. The second rule is like unto to the first: Don’t believe totally in your own B.S. Which means that, as Bucky Fuller said, "The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events." Non-simultaneously. The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events. Which means any belief system or reality tunnel you’ve got right now is gonna have to be revised and updated as you continue to apprehend new events later in time. Not simultaneously. This is the natural functioning of the human brain. It’s the way children’s brains perform before they’re wrecked by the school system. It’s the way the minds of all great scientists and artists work. But once you have a belief system, everything that comes in either gets ignored if it doesn’t fit the belief system, or gets distorted enough so that it can fit into the belief system. You gotta be continually revising your map of the world.” (Robert Anton Wilson)


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