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A taoist smile A shakti kiss & some real sauce

In creating content without manipulation in the agenda, we come to a deeper point of honesty that is necessary. A relationship between an author and reader, or a creator and receiver, takes place. In Shamanism, a relationship between a guide and traveler is established.

In other paths one is a Guru or a Master, a student a seeker and in all both are participants in the dance. With some techniques that are advanced and I can not post here, there is a die hard need for a guide or guru. A one-on-one session, to first guide the traveler and remind the traveler about the owning of the mind and the importance of the travelers, directing the will. Secondly, a guide can say just the right thing to remove the complexity in order for the technique to even make sense at times. My guides taught me that. Then the body can create a pose or mudra to facilitate the directing of the energy without staying in the mind. Like Yoga it is about doing the technique in a meditative state, not in a *in your head state*. Thinking about, "Did I do this or that right?" listening to their thoughts running by, questioning themselves and getting lost in the results they expect, comparing things, and self sabotaging even while doing the technique, or even before starting. A guide also acts a lot like a personal fitness trainer, taking the travelers farther than they would have gone alone. A guide in the case of the techniques explains why we move this way or that, dissecting the techniques in a way that the person learns all in levels, without even realizing they are indeed doing the technique without wasting their efforts or thoughts on it. There are many techniques that I simply cannot post because I have seen people hurt themselves by rushing and/or not respecting the practice. Some think subconsciously that it won't work or that "oh, this doesn't have to be done just like this... "I gotta run so let me just do this hurriedly; enjoy what I get, or doubt it, but hey, at least I did it." Some techniques will strengthen parts that have not been strong before; others will increase your awareness, help with trauma resolution, or bring something to our attention, so it is important to take the more intense practice techniques seriously. Doing them wrong can also elevate sensitivity, raise blood pressure, cause danger to the prostate, etc. Then, if the peak condition is reached, we find, at the same time, limitlessness. Then the negative ego bounces back in most cases, and a person has to cross another key part of his or her journey. The ego never likes to lose, so trust that it will come back in a negative way at the start many times. The beauty is that the journey of the guide and traveler is mutually beneficial because the guide or teacher is always the biggest student in the room. Just a way of saying I can post many things, but for some it is important to have a one-on-one Zoom session because everyone is an individual and has different physical, emotional, and mental make-ups, and not all can be a one size fits all in this work. If you wish to go deeper or have a chat about something related to this, please reach out. It's also inevitable that expansion will happen even if the path is dropped, or if a person doesn't do anything, even. You can reach higher, faster energy vibration by just living. You don't have to do anything to be more aware, just be more present. More here, less there. You are perfect already. The techniques however, are not just for the soul. They are for owning the Will. Your Will. They are for gaining discipline which will lead you to self control, a more still and spotless mind. You go from discipline to self love to self devotion. The techniques are also for: strengthening your body inside, strengthening and detoxifying your organs so that the energy can flow and not harm the nervous system or any part of the body because it is vibrating faster and the frequency is higher. But when things are uprooted and not healed completely or not tended to afterward, they tend to come back strong, i.e., weeds. Once you are aware, you are aware, resisting can hurt more than the expansion. But it is not for all, and that should be understood in a state of love and compassion. So do reach out if you would like to go farther. I can guide you or recommend someone you may be more comfortable with. Always my pleasure.

Now onto a beautiful technique A kiss of a different kind: Warning If you don't think your partner or you know they don't clean the wax out of their ears or practice good hygiene obviously don't do this, it'll be quite disgusting. As in you may not like it and get a disgusted feeling, it is all good, it's not for you and ok. It is always ok. But for those who do like it, here ya go. If you do know that all is good hygiene wise, this technique is something that can stimulate parts of the body nerve endings tiny tiny impulses that can reach other parts of the body it also becomes a surrender metaphorically experiencing the penetration through another part of the self, in this case, it is described as Shiva's eternal auditory heart, the ear entry then a metaphoric vulva. It's a little bit deeper because it is about you feeling & understanding something without necessarily seeing it in front of you like a scene in a movie. The male is vulnerable to experience it. The male or one of the partners with more masculine energy will feel vulnerable & in surrender. For the woman or the more feminine one it can be experienced as another form of penetration..a dance with other forms of penetration. If it is taken silly - then it is, and it is a tongue wet willy. But if it is done with emotional intelligence and the understanding of the symbolism then it can be taken far deeper into the soul experience. It is about surrender and letting go of the self little by little in the rapture of losing the self into that orgasm that YOU are. The orgasm comes from you right? The technique: Shakti, the woman, places her tongue into Shiva's ear. From the outside ear, gently to the inside. Penetrating the ear with the tongue & tiny bits of warm breath. If Shakti places her tongue into Shiva's external auditory heart his ear, the roles are reversed , it can have a very powerful effect. The tongue is the phallus, and the ear becomes the vulva/ lingam and yoke. Now remember that the Shakti energy the Shakti here can mean either the feminine person, the female in the couple or can also be the most feminine of the couple's energy. Yes it is about the ear entry itself and the tongue. Cleanliness is a big factor when doing things like this. If you do know that all is good hygiene wise, then it is something that can stimulate parts of the body nerve endings tiny tiny impulses that can reach other parts of the body it also becomes a surrender metaphorically experiencing the penetration through another part of the self, in this case, it is described as Shiva's eternal auditory heart, the ear entry then a metaphoric vulva. It's a little bit deeper because it is about you feeling & understanding something without necessarily seeing it in front of you like a scene in a movie. The male being vulnerable to experience it. For the woman it can be experienced as another form of penetration..a dance with other forms of penetration.

A little piece from the great Gurdjieff We are in the first river. As long as we are in this passive current it will carry us wherever it may; as long as we are passive we shall be pushed about and be at the mercy of every accident. We are the slaves of these accidents. At the same time Nature has given us the possibility of escaping from this slavery. Therefore when we talk about freedom we are talking precisely about crossing over into the other river. But of course it is not so simple — you cannot cross over merely because you wish. Strong desire and long preparation are necessary. You will have to live through being identified with all the attractions in the first river. You must die to this river. All religions speak about this death: ‘Unless you die, you cannot be born again.’ This does not mean physical death. From that death there is no necessity to rise again because if there is a soul, and it is immortal, it can get along without the body, the loss of which we call death. And the reason for rising again is not in order to appear before the Lord God on the day of judgment as the fathers of the Church teach us. No, Christ and all the others spoke of the death which can take place in life, the death of the tyrant from whom our slavery comes, the death which is a necessary condition of the first and principal liberation of man. If man were deprived of his illusions and all that prevents him from seeing reality – if he were deprived of his interests, his cares, his expectations and hopes — all his strivings would collapse, everything would become empty and there would remain an empty being, an empty body, only physiologically alive. This will be the death of ‘I,’ the death of everything it consisted of, the destruction of everything false collected through ignorance or inexperience. All this will remain in him merely as material, but subject to selection. Then a man will be able to choose for himself and not have imposed on him what others like. He will have a conscious choice. This is difficult. No, difficult is not the word. The word ‘impossible’ is also wrong, because, in principle, it is possible; only it is a thousand times more difficult than to become a multimillionaire through honest work.” —Gurdjieff

I will be adding as I go Breath for All, These are for men and women. Basic but at first the pumping of the tummy may tire the weaker abs, or when holding the breath you will want to only hold it to comfort level. The mind and the body will fight you but you are stronger. Remember,you know when you could have pushed yourself more even if just a few seconds longer.

First sit with your shoulders back and all aligned nice and straight. Quicky contract the belly, as if someone would have just punched your stomach. Quickly. You will exhale quickly by doing this. And you will immediately inhale. Keep pumping the belly. Once comfortable with the technique, speed it up and expand and contract the belly more intensely. Having a stronger flow,once better you will be able to pull your belly in nice and strong. Keep pumping your tummy for at first 30 seconds then 60 then up to 2 minutes. You can do slower intensity rounds and then do a faster round and then another fastest round. Exhaling quickly through the mouth and almost instantly you take a quick inhale. Once you get this with ease and challenging to conquer you can add breath retention. Do the retention of the breath as an add on~ Adding breath retention of 30 seconds 60 seconds and so on in between the rounds of belly pumping. Continue working your way up to at least 2 minutes of pumping at each speed and 2 minutes of retention. Mentally or mind body wise you will conquer the mind by doing this longer and longer, you will strengthen and heat up that energy in that pelvic bowl area. Soul wise or energetic with you will direct your energy up the spine when you retain the breath. You will practice willing the heated up energy up the center of the spine when retaining/ holding the breath. Visualization works here too, really imagine a ball of light getting bigger and bigger as you pump your belly. When you hold the breath stir that imagination and memories, etc. to visualize that ball of light condensing going up the middle of the spine. You can imagine a laser of light or a light filled steam and so on, use your imagination to stimulate the third eye. Going from technical to flow Going from battling to ease. When you finish the repetitions of both relax,be at ease, enjoy it. Melt into it. If you feel a little light headed while doing them .. that's ok but if you feel faint or sharp pain anywhere, stop. Work on your strengths and visualize and imagine and breathe deeper slower but with great intention. This can be done with great results but you must accept it as a practice of will & deep inner strength and direction.

Taoist Inner Smile Technique (Aka Trust Ya Gut) Start by just sitting comfortably with your feet planted on the ground. Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to the soles of your feet. Feel their connection to the Earth. When you feel grounded and centered, mentally project a source of warm, happy energy about a meter (3 feet) in front of you. Whether it is an image of your own smiling face, or someone you love, or a mental space where you felt deeply at peace. Take your time to find a feeling of centeredness here. Breath into your mental sanctuary of peace. Smile into yourself. You can smile physically of course, but mentally smile into your temple/ body, bathe yourself in love. When you’re ready, bring your awareness to the midpoint between your eyebrows, and make it the receiving nexus of all this warm, smiling, peaceful energy around you. Let your forehead relax into the flow. Your cheek muscles, your jaw, as the serene energy spreads through them, and onward to envelope your whole head. Let it flow down through your neck, perhaps causing your head to slowly sway side to side as the waves pass through to your chest cavity and stomach, filling them with that same light and loving energy. Finally, breathe deep, deep, deep into your lungs, suffusing this final bastion of negative emotional energies with love and serenity. Smile and hold the inhale for a few moments, then smile as you exhale. Taoists believe the lungs are associated with the negative emotional energies of sadness and depression, as well as the virtuous energies of courage and righteousness. When you breathe out through your smile, feel any remaining tightness and tension follow the air out of your body. Breath deeply and focus on the warm energy you’ve suffused throughout your body as it becomes more comfortable and natural to you. Allow yourself to feel courage, excitement, perhaps even a sensation of expansive glee to take its place. And there you have it, you’ve kindled, harnessed, and guided a little seed into a harmonious energy suffusing your entire body and mind. You’ve mastered your energies. Or at least sensed and controlled them for a few minutes.

Keep going. Once you've gotten comfortable with this, it's so much easier to start learning to guide your sexual energy throughout your entire body for more immersive and intense sexual experiences.



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