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Feed yo head some Yoni with a side of Lingam


We began the Twitter Space with... history


The yoni worship tradition dates to the pre-Vedic period, over the 4000 BCE to 1000 BCE period. The yoni has served as a divine symbol from ancient times, and it may well be the oldest spiritual icon not only in India but across many ancient cultures. Hinduism (specifically the yogic school) is currently practiced by a minority of residents of China. The religion itself has a very limited presence in modern mainland China, but archaeological evidence suggests a significant presence of Hinduism in different provinces of medieval China.[1] Hindu influences were also absorbed in to Buddhism and got mixed with Chinese mythology over its history.

Practices originating in the Vedic tradition of ancient India such as yoga and meditation are also popular in China. Some indigenous people in China pray to Hindu gods such as Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha and Kali. Ancient female fertility symbols were scattered everywhere in the ancient world, from ancient goddesses such as Kali to the blue-skinned Hindu goddess of destruction to Izanami-no-Mikoto, the Japanese goddess of death and creation, to Tiamat, the Babylonian goddess of the ocean, chaos and creation. Yoni Tantra. As is the case in many other Tantras, this tantric text is a dialog between Shiva and Parvati. It reveals the highly revered sadhana practiced by kaulas (tantrics), the yoni puja. It is known that the Kaulas (Kaula or Kula describes a type of Hindu Tantra), closely linked to the Siddha and Natha traditions, regarded female gurus very highly, and there were many examples of yoginis or female Tantrics. Their reverence towards Shakti is beautifully expressed many times in the Tantras (such as Shakti Sangama Tantra and Devirahasya). In both Kulachudamani Tantra and the Brihad Nila Tantra, the Kaula is instructed to recite a mantra inwardly whenever he sees a woman. “Worship carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Shakti, sheltered by the Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women.” (Kaulajnananirnaya, Patala 23) “In Kaula every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman. When she is naked, men must kneel and worship her as the Goddess. She has equal rights with men on all levels.” (Occult World of a Tantrik Guru, Values Vol. IX) “Hari, Hara, and Brahma – the gods of creation, maintenance, and destruction – all originate in the yoni.” (Yoni Tantra) “The divine yoni is as brilliant as tens of millions of suns and as cool as tens of millions of moons.” (Shiva Samhita, 15th century) A yoni puja is a sacred ritual during which the yoni is worshipped. It is very important to understand that the prerequisite for worshipping the yoni is the purification of the mind from worldly ideas about the yoni. The yoni is the form of the cosmos and encompasses the mysteries of creation. Reverence in front of Shakti’s mystery is the attitude that needs to be cultivated to perform a yoni puja. That is why in Yoni Tantra we find this warning: “Never worship the yoni in front of pashus (males still possessed by their animal nature).” Yoni puja performed with a woman’s yoni is known as stri puja or rahasya puja. There are some recommendations for choosing the woman for yoni puja because it is considered that the power of Shakti transmitted via the liquids to the devotees depends on the woman’s conscious transparency to the Goddess. That is why it is considered that the best choice for a yoni puja is a yogini. A yogini, by her power to channel the Goddess, creates the best conditions to raise the consciousness of those who take part in the ceremony. Next. The Rise of the greeks And a Psychiatry paper that observes tribes beliefs and A change

A switch from Yoni to....what was to come or came?

Gilbert Murray has indicated this in the Rise of the Greek Epic. He emphasizes that there is found an expression of racial feelings, built up from many sources. Such Sagas are not the property of any one individual. The feelings they express are associated with the unconscious of the race, if such a term is permissible. Gilbert Murray,[3] In primitive life every individual contributes something to this motive and in turn receives something from it. It enters into the developing mind and becomes inseparably associated with it. In studying the evolution of these motives one is studying the evolution of the human mind. As will be presently indicated, we have evidence from a number of sources to show sex was at one time frankly and openly worshipped by the primitive races of mankind. EXCESS As impure ideas and revolting practices clustered around the worship of[Pg 25] Pan in Greece and later Rome, so it is more than probable that in the worship of Khem in Egypt were connected similar excesses by KristinD on February 10, 2021 Written by Lydia Serrant, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Literature greeks ****Some of the earliest prehistoric figurines have been of women, with their vulvas on full display. Venus of Hohle Fels is the oldest known statue depicting a human. It dates to around 40,000 to 35,000 years ago and features exaggerated female breasts, hips, thighs and vulva. The statue was about sex and reproduction, but also hope for survival, nourishment, longevity and successful communities. In the ancient world, the Sumerian goddess Ishtar was often depicted with her vulva, which was worshipped as the source of her power. It was upon seeing her vulva that the sun god Ra recovered his brightness, and it was from union between her vulva and the phallus of Dumuzi that plants began to grow on earth. Yet at some point, the vulva became associated with the obscene and pornographic. As Greek culture changed, the vulva became increasingly censored or hidden entirely. Meanwhile, in the public domain, female statues and vulval symbols were covered up or removed entirely in favor of phallic symbols. There is much scholarly debate about how and why the vulva became censored, but one theory worth considering is the increase of literacy and predominantly male playwrights and poets in ancient Greece. Leonard Schlian in his book The Alphabet and the Goddess argues that the disappearance of the vulva coincides with an increase in phallic symbology and a more literate society. During the trial of Orestes, who was accused of murdering his mother, Apollo makes the following plea to the goddess Athena who was acting as judge. ‘’The woman you call mother of the child is not the parent, just a nurse to the seedThe new-born-sown seed that grows and swells insides her. The man is the source of life – the one who mounts’’ –Apollo, from The Eumenides by Aeschylus (525-455 BCE) Athena agreed with Apollo and set Orestes free. Despite being a woman herself, she believed that motherhood was misplaced, since she had been born from Zeus’s skull, not from her mother. However, the play conveniently ignores any reference to the fact that in the original myth Athena was in the uterus of her mother Metis before Zeus tricked her and swallowed her whole. Metis continued her pregnancy inside Zeus until Athena’s burst forth from an axe wound in his head. With the increase of literature, poems and plays that depicted women as passive participants in reproduction, and excluded women from the process of creation, feminine roles were pushed to the perimeter of society. Greek artists often depicted the phallus. Indeed, Greek statues flaunted their masculinity and were usually carved nude. Females and goddesses were mostly robed, or their genitals were replaced by perfectly smooth triangles with the vulva or labia missing entirely. So it was that the phallus, and the phallus alone, became the symbol of power, protection and the source of life. Instead of the equal partnership that the phallus and the vulva enjoyed in early civilized society, female genitalia was labeled a mere receiver of life, a convenient incubator secondary to the seed. The rest, as they say, is history. A history that is marred by the suppression and almost complete destruction of feminine symbols, feminine power and feminine identity. However, as times change and we enter a new age of free expression and fast communication, old ways are being rediscovered and feminine and masculine roles are being redefined. Perhaps the old ways and the power of the goddess have not been as truly lost as once thought? by KristinD on February 10, 2021 Written by Lydia Serrant, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom EXCESS EXCESS EXCESS CONTINUED & THE MISSIONARIES THE SEX WORSHIP AND SYMBOLISM OF PRIMITIVE RACES AN INTERPRETATION BY SANGER BROWN II., M. D. Assistant Physician, Bloomingdale Hospital With an Introduction by James H. Leuba Journal of Abnormal Psychology in the December-January number of 1915-16 and the February-March number of 1916. Richard Payne Knight[6] quotes a passage from Captain Cook’s voyages to one of the Southern Pacific Islands. The Missionaries of the expedition on this occasion assembled the members of the party for religious ceremonies in which the natives joined. The primitive natives observed the ceremony with great respect and then with due solemnity enacted their form of sacred worship. Quite to the astonishment [Pg 28]of the white people, this ceremony consisted of the open performance of the sexual act by a young Indian man and woman. This was entirely a religious ceremony, and was fittingly respected by all the natives present. Hargrave Jennings described The same in India Richard Payne Knight Explains There is abundant evidence to show that there was a time in the centuries before Christ when prostitution was held as a most sacred vocation. We learn of this practice from many sources. It appears that temples in a number of ancient cities of the East, in Babylonia, Nineveh, Corinth and throughout India, were erected for the worship of certain deities. This worship consisted of the prostitution of women. The women were consecrated to the support of the temple. They were chosen in much the same way as the modern woman enters a sacred church order. The returns from their vocation went to the support of the[Pg 30] deity and the temple. The children born of such a union were in no way held in disgrace, but on the contrary, they appeared to have formed a separate and rather superior class. We are told that this practice did not interfere with a woman’s opportunities for subsequent marriage. In India the practice was very general at one time. The women were called the “Women of the Idol.” Richard Payne Knight speaks of a thousand sacred prostitutes living in each of the temples at Eryx and Corinth. Fraser tells us A custom which shows even more clearly that prostitution was held as a sacred duty to women was that in Babylonia every woman, of high rank or low, must at one time in her life prostitute herself to any stranger who offered money. In Ancient Sex Worship we read: “There was a temple in Babylonia where every female had to perform once in her life a (to us) strange act of religion, namely, prostitution with a stranger. The name of it was Bit-Shagatha, or ‘The Temple,’ the ‘Place of Union.’” Moreover we learn that once a[Pg 31] woman entered the temple for such a sacred act she could not leave until it was performed. Frazer tells us of this worship which was introduced from Assyria into Rome about two hundred years before Christ. It was the worship of Cybele and Attis. These deities were attended by emasculated priests and the priests in oriental costume paraded Rome in religious ceremony. We see that this act directly corresponds with the part played by the female. The female prostituted herself, and the male presented his generative powers to the deity. Both the sacred prostitutes and emasculated priests were held in religious veneration. During the Twitter Space I went through these historical dates, studies and observations plus sprinkled examples of other evidence in art and In the tantric path I chose. Yoni & Trauma YONI AND TRAUMA INTRO More than 10,000 nerve fibers enable the pleasurable sensations created by the human clitoris, according to new Oregon Health & Science University-led research presented today at a joint scientific meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society for Sexual Medicine. With two dorsal nerves present per clitoris, researchers say more than 10,000 insulated nerve fibres are present in the sex organ.Nov 2, 2022 › c... Scientists make 'important step' in understanding the clitoris There are more than 8,000 nerve endings in the tip of the clitoris alone. That's double the number of those in a penis. As ELENA ROSSI A female libido specialist, writer, speaker, pelvic trauma-release specialist Sexual trauma has many faces ranging from inability to orgasm, mistrust for the sexual partners, or severe emotional stress. It can show up as physiological ailments or express itself as subtle emotional stress. Trauma can develop from something as muted as a sexless but loving marriage to physically/emotionally abuse events. Painful and stressful experiences create “body armour”, where the body contracts on a physical and emotional level. Over time, these contractions start to form bands of armour inside the tissue of the body which hold patterns of fear, anxiety, neediness, withdrawal, and avoidance. Bodily & vaginal numbness Discomfort or pain with penetration Vaginal “lockdown” – a vagina which refuses to open Clenched jaw, tight belly, shallow breathing, pelvic floor tension Low libido or sudden loss of it Inability to become aroused or sustain arousal during sex Sense of annoyance or fear when being touched Sense of distrust towards lovers Difficulty achieving orgasm Lack of lubrication Feeling less sensual, less creative, disconnected Menstrual, PMS and menopausal issues Cysts and growths and other reproductive ailments General feeling of overwhelm or disgust towards sex Since trauma/stress sit in the body, talking therapy is often not enough to fix the problem. To work through the sexual trauma/stress it is best to seek professional help to first identify the trauma and its symptoms as well as ways in which it affects one’s daily life. Every person’s traumatic experience/s is unique to them. Depending on the individual, there are various support options available from talking therapy with a qualified trauma specialist to tension and trauma release exercises, psychosexual bodywork, and even slow conscious (self) love-making. Often a combination of all is a powerful healing modality. More Benefits of the self yoni massage More flexible pelvic floor muscles Softer tissue around the opening Become more in-tune with their taste, smell and feel Feel more sensitivity and pleasure inside Have lots more juice flowing Feel more connected to yourself Have stronger and more powerful orgasms Set up your space SET UP YOUR SPACE Step 2 – Massage the Areas Surrounding Your Yoni The first most important step is to slowly touch the areas surrounding your vagina – your inner thighs, pelvis, abdomen, all around your pubic bone and vulva area… before touching your yoni directly. Feel to get a sense of how many muscles are surrounding our vaginas and the interconnectedness of these muscles. Take your times and move slowly as you massage all the areas around your vagina without touching your vagina directly yet. Massage yourself with the gentle sweet care you’d massage your lover with. You can also touch your breasts, legs, face. Whatever feels good. Trust your intuition and where your hands lead you. Listen to yourself. WHAT COMES UP? EMOTIONAL AWKWARD SHAME GUILT Etc. Step 5 – Enter Your Yoni After you’ve loosened the surrounding muscles use your index finger to place pressure against the vaginal opening. You have to use your intuition here and trust where feels like it needs a release. Use the tip of your index finger to put pressure against the muscles just inside the opening. I press the muscles up against the bone and I get a pinching feeling that feels like I hit a trigger point. I hold on the point until it releases. You can also contract the muscles around your finger to sense where the pain points are. It’s helpful to imagine white healing light coming from your fingers and cleansing away any stored trauma. This is a self exploration and every woman is different. The way you do this massage will be unique to you. Part of the process is in getting to know what works for you specifically and what feels right for you.

Yoni Steams A HEALING AND MINI VACATION ALL IN ONE Yoni steaming, in simplest terms, is the practice of crafting an herbal blend, utilizing the natural properties of each herb for the unique needs of each woman, and using the warmth of the steam to gently permeate the vagina, cervix, and uterus. As a health and self-care practice, there is evidence that yoni steaming has been practiced by numerous cultures throughout history, including: Indigenous America, Greece, India, eastern Europe, Korea, Africa, the Philippines, Japan, and many other Asian countries. While it is often referred to as ‘vaginal steaming’, the steaming process does much more than just engage the vagina. ‘Yoni’ is an ancient Sanskrit word that refers to a ‘sacred place’, or more literally ‘womb’ or the ‘female organs of generation’. It can also be taken to mean “origin, abode, or source”. Already you can see it’s so much more than you might have thought! In its simplest form, yoni steaming is a ritual of connecting with your feminine energy and womanly intuition. While it cleanses and soothes you physically, its undeniable that it simultaneously cleanses you on a spiritual level. Steaming has been said to help heal from sexual trauma, release pent up emotions, increase libido, revive sexual desire, relieve stress and much more. Just imagine what it could do for you! As we grow as a society, as we learn to embrace and empower ourselves as women, we open the paths to become the healthiest and happiest we can be. Everyday we can reconnect with and celebrate our womanhood; whether that’s spending time with our girlfriends, sharing our experiences with one another, advocating for ourselves, or just getting a yoni steam. The HERBS FOR YONI STEAM Ideal for soothing PMS symptoms, this blend is composed of three primary herbs: calendula, yarrow, and Mexican oregano. It is designed specifically to ease menstrual cramps, alleviate pain, and decrease bleeding. Calendula: known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Yarrow: used for fever, common cold, hay fever, and more. Applying it topically can staunch the bleeding of wounds, as well as soothing cramping and muscle tension. Mexican Oregano: used against dysentery, as an intestinal antiseptic, a febrifuge, and to regulate menstruation. Menopause and its accompanying symptoms can be merciless. This combo was made to address issues with excessive overheating, night sweats, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. This herbal blend includes three primary herbs: peppermint, motherwort, and lavender. Peppermint: used to treat flatulence, menstrual pains, diarrhea, nausea, depression-related anxiety, muscle and nerve pain, the common cold, indigestion, and IBS. Motherwort: used for the absence of menstrual periods, flatulence (intestinal gas), and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Lavender: known to induce relaxation as well as possess anti-anxiety, mood stabilizing, sedative, pain-relieving, and anticonvulsant properties. While some ladies have no trouble getting pregnant, for others fertility is just a little window. This blend is designed to balance hormones, strengthen the uterus, stop/slow the growth of fibroids, and lengthen the luteal phase (i.e. the time in a woman’s cycle where impregnation can occur). Of the herbs utilized in this blend, the most important are mugwort, yarrow, and partridge berry. Mugwort: possesses antimicrobial and antifungal properties ideal for fighting infections, and is known to regulate inconsistent periods. Yarrow and.Partridge Berry: revered as a wonderful herb for the female reproductive system, this berry can assist with infertility, regulate menstrual cycles, and alleviate severe menstrual pain. Whether your period is consistent, or consistently inconsistent, we could all use a little help with the symptoms that come with it. This combo helps to normalize irregular menstrual cycles and reduce blood clotting with a mixture of four primary herbs: nettle, citrus, rose, and chamomile. Nettle: since Ancient Egypt, nettle has been used to treat lower back pain and arthritis, as well as reduce inflammation. Citrus

Rose: cultivated for millennia, rose petals have been used as an astringent, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory, and a menstrual regulator. Chamomile: used for both calming and decreasing inflammation. It is also antimicrobial, having an effect on both fungi and bacteria, making it useful for topical and internal infections. Some women are particularly sensitive when it comes to their vaginal health. With gentleness in mind, this particular blend was crafted to help cleanse, freshen, and disinfect, as well as improve kidney function with these four key herbs: lavender, citrus, astragalus root, and chamomile. Lavende Citrus: contains multiple nutrients such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and fiber which can reduce inflammation and improve gastrointestinal function and health. Astragalus Root: helps enhance your immune system to prevent and fight bacterial and viral infections, as well as prevent infections in those with reduced kidney function Chamomile The most important aspect of vaginal maintenance is the comfort, health, and happiness of the woman. But improved intimacy is definitely a close second! This blend contains three primary herbs: lavender, damiana, and basil. Not only can it balance pH levels, it can also help tighten the elastic tissue of the vagina, strengthen and tone the ute

rus, increase circulation (which can increase orgasms, ladies), help fight infections, and even reduce natural odor. Lavender: Damiana: utilized as an aphrodisiac as well as a tonic for general health. Basil: an antispasmodic and antimicrobial agent with numerous health benefits including the alleviation of menstrual cramps, promotion of circulation, and the reduction of inflammation and swelling. While the vagina is generally a pro at self-cleaning and pH regulation, for some of us, our natural process doesn’t quite cut it. For those who suffer from chronic infections and all the painful, annoying symptoms that come with them, the lavender, peppermint, citrus, and chamomile in

are a blessing. Lavender Peppermint Citrus Chamomile

Please feel free to message me if in The North Central Florida area or in an area I may travel to if interested in me doing your Yoni Massage (Womb Massage and Steam. Also if you want to do an online Womb healing, or if you would like to receive a shamanic journey just for your yoni steam sessions, self love sessions etc.






LINGAMS LINGAMS LINGAMS HISTORY SHIVA LINGAM PHALLUS COCK AND MORE Shiva Lingam is a differentiating mark; it is certainly not a sex mark. While the actual meaning of male genital is “Shishna” in #Sanskrit. If you remember any Indian language lessons from school, the male gender is called 'Pu-linga' or PurushLinga and the corresponding term for the female gender is 'Stree-linga'. According to the Puranas, once two Hindu Gods (Brahma and Vishnu) were fighting each other to prove themselves powerful than other one. Then the Supreme God Shiva was asked to intervene by other Gods. He decided to make everything clear between them. He assumed to create a flaming Linga in between Brahma and Vishnu. Shiva Linga is considered as the sacred and holy symbol of the Lord Shiva by his devotees. Shiva Linga is a round shape structure having elliptical and iconic image with a circular base or peetham (which represents Parashakti means manifesting power of God). Linga means a male reproductive organ and the base of it is believed as the Yoni means vagina (a female reproductive organ) which represent the process of copulation (means sexual intercourse). The worship of the Shiva Linga by the devotees is carried out from ancient time as a symbol of energy, creation and enlightenment. According to the Tantras and Puranas, it is considered the linga is arises from the yoni which indicates the origin of whole universe. Shiva Lingas are generally made of stone, metal, mercury or other things like precious gems, wood, crystal, earth or transitory materials like ice. According to some scholars, it is also made up of 12 different materials like rice, sand, river clay, cooked food, darbha grass, ashes, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, sandalwood, a flower garland or molasses. Continuous mantra reciting of Om Namah Sivaya is very necessary while constructing the linga in order to make it holy and sacred. The midnight time is considered as best and preferable time to worship Linga by reciting the mantra of Om Namah Sivaya (five crore times is highly fruitful). Sixteen services are considered necessary to be performed while worshipping the linga which are Asana (Seating), Padyam (means washing feet of God), Arghya (offering water for sipping), Snana (means body wash), Anulepana (means applying Ash to God body), Gandham (means offering lights), Naivedyam (means offering food, fruits, etc), Tambula (offering betel leaves and nuts), Paneeya (offering Gange water, coconut water), Vastram (offering clothing), Alankaram (decorating God body with Bilva leaves or flowers), Achamaniya (offering Ganga water to sip), Arati (offering camphor or ghee diya) and Mantra Pushpa (Chanting Vedic mantras or hymns). The whole worshiping in parts of India is considered to be completed and fruitful when performed on the bank of Holy Rivers (Ganga, Sindhu, Sarasvati, etc) or in the Temples located at bank of Gange, Yamuna, Godavari, Narmada, Kaveri, etc. That’s why worshipping Shiva Linga is highly beneficial at Sacred Places such as Badari, Kasi, Kedar, etc. Performing Shiva Linga puja at Cow-sheds, near to the Tulsi plant, sea shores, mountain top, etc is ten times more beneficial and fruitful. It is best to perform puja in Magha month, Kartik Month and every Krishna Chaturdasi days. Shiva linga if spoken itself as Nature~ means Prakriti which marks the presence of formless Omnipotent Lord. It is a form of undying soul who indwells into our innermost self means Atman. According to the ancient scripture of Linga Purana, Linga do not has any form, smell, taste, colour, etc. It is a generative power of the Lord Shiva. It is like a cosmic egg means a “Brahmanda” which symbolise that Prakriti has been created by the power of male and the female. It also symbolises the “Satya”, “Jnana” and “Ananta” which means Truth, knowledge and Infinity. Shiva Linga has its three parts named as the lowest one is called as Brahma-Pitha, the middle one is called as Vishnu-Pitha while uppermost one is called as Shiva-Pitha. There are 12 Holiest Shiva Lingas (called Jyotir-lingas) and 5 Pancha-bhuta Lingas are found all over the country. 12 Jyotir-lingas are named. When it comes to the stone types & different ones the Sphatika-linga is most sacred. The Sphatika-linga (made up of quartz) is prescribed to deeply worshiping Lord Shiva. It is considered that worshiping linga blesses with lots of power because of the mysterious or indescribable power of the Shakti in the Linga. It also enhances the mind concentration level as well as helps in focusing at one place. That’s why ancient Indian sages worships linga and considered themselves pure devotee of Lord Shiva. Linga is not only a block of substance or stone or other things instead it is a medium to connect with God, raise mind and body consciousness, and helps to get attention on one place. Lord Rama itself had worshiped the Shiva Linga at the Rameshwaram and Ravana itself was a great devotee of the Linga and he worshiped a golden Linga for getting spiritual powers- Archana Singh History around the World PHALLIC WORSHIP BY HODDER M. WESTROPP ORIGINALLY A PAPER READ BEFORE THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON ON APRIL 5TH, 1870. LATER PUBLISHED IN 1875 In the earlier ages the operations of nature made a stronger impression on the minds of men. Those ideas, springing from the constant observation of the modes of acting in nature, were consequently more readily suggested to the minds of all races of men in the primitive ages. Two causes must have forcibly struck the minds of men in those early periods when observant of the operations of nature, one the generative power, and the other the productive, the active and passive causes. This double mode of production visible in nature must have given rise to comparisons with the mode of proceeding in the generation of animals, in which two causes concur, the one active and the other passive, the one male and the other female, the one as father, the other as mother. These ideas were doubtless suggested independently and spontaneously in different countries; for the human mind is so constituted that the same objects and the same operations of nature will suggest like ideas in the minds of men of all races, however widely apartof the deity. The almost universal reverence paid to the images of the sexual parts, as they were regarded as symbols and types of the generative and productive principles in nature, and of those gods and goddesses who were the representatives of the same principles. The Phallus and the Cteis, the Lingam and the Yoni--the special parts contributing to generation and production, becoming thus symbols of those active and passive causes, could not but become objects of reverence and worship. The union of the two symbolized the creative energy of all nature; for almost all primitive religion consisted in the reverence and worship paid to nature and its operations. When Abraham, as mentioned in Genesis, in asking his servant to take a solemn oath, makes him lay his hand on his parts of generation (in the common version, "under his thigh"[3]), it was that he required as a token of his sincerity his placing his hand on the most revered part of his body; as, at the present day, a man would place his hand on his heart in order to evince his sincerity. Censorship The indecent ideas attached to the phallic symbol were, though it seems a paradox to say so, the result of a more advanced civilization verging towards its decline, as we have evidence at Rome and Pompeii.[5] We may here introduce an extremely just and opposite remark of Constant in his work on Roman polytheism: "Indecent rites may be practised by a religious people with the greatest purity of heart. But when incredulity has gained a footing among these peoples, these rites become then the cause and pretext of the most revolting corruption." A similar remark has been made by Voltaire. Speaking of the worship of Priapus, he says, "Our ideas of propriety lead us to suppose that a ceremony which appears to us so infamous could only be invented by licentiousness; but it is impossible to believe that depravity of manners would ever have led among any people to the establishment of religious ceremonies. It is probable, on the contrary, that this custom was first introduced in times of simplicity, that the first thought was to honor the deity in the symbol of life which it has given us. Such a ceremony may have excited licentiousness among youths, and have appeared ridiculous to men of education in more refined, more corrupt, and more enlightened times." More Censorship At the heart of censorship is this very patronizing attitude of control. We want to control the minds of others: we want to control what our fans, our children and our customers think about us. We forget that everyone is a free-thinking spirit and they can see beyond the media discourse and they can see beyond what parents tell, if they choose to. In Greek mythology, a hero is described as a human being who breaks free from the tyranny of the gods. Every human being, every child, can be a hero if they realize that the stories they tell often have nothing to do with the truth but a lot to do with the bias of the storyteller and those who pay him/her. But sadly, I also realize, that not everyone can be a hero. For many the censored and controlled story is the Truth. Devdutt Pattanaik Up to MODERN TIME SHAME Through the power of the phallus comes yet another manifestation of human nature which is seen in the physical assertion of male supremacy, as seen in rapes of women in times of warfare, particularly in medieval and modern India. It was because of the fear of male aggression that the concepts of jauhar and sati became institutionalized in Rajput societies. In modern societies, honour killings also arose due to the fear amongst communities of the exploitation of women’s sexuality and vandalization of their character. Some MEN FEEL IT STARTED WITH THE DILDO By the advent of modern society, the phallus was taken to another level—it became a symbol of pleasure. Today, the erotic and sexual nature of the phallus has given way to many subcultures that celebrate its sexuality. The modern male became a predator, a man about town, a broad-shouldered, lean-hipped hunter of his own pleasure. At the same time, the penis turned into a dildo—seen as emasculating male power, where new-age feminists rejected and went beyond the male member using a rubber form to simulate the same pleasure earlier only drawn via the penis. Why do they dick shaming? The main function of making penis size jokes is to attack that person’s manhood. And this is probably what allows women to be excluded from such shaming. No man and no woman would (rightly) undermining a person’s femininity just because of how her vagina is made. However, this doesn’t seem to be possible to men. Indeed, for men (and some women) penis size becomes something inherently shameful and ridiculous if it doesn’t meet a certain standard. Because the bigger the penis, the more aggressive and powerful (and therefore manly) that person will be. And that’s why dick shaming is done. Yet this thought reinforces the harmful idea that aggression and power are the only acceptable expressions for a man to express his masculinity. This encourages men to demonstrate their skills to avoid further humiliation. Dick shaming reinforces traditional gender roles by telling men that they will be “real men” as long as they are aggressive. Dick shaming not only affects people who have a penis, but also all those who have sex with someone who has a penis, which also means a lot of women. In fact, penis size is not a sure indicator of sexual performance to allow the partner to enjoy sex or reach orgasm. All this therefore not only affects a man’s sexuality, but sexuality in general. Because if “being a man” can’t mean other things – such as being sensitive, empathetic, caring and selfless (even in the sexual sphere) – this will continue to lead men to look for sex as the only form of demonstration of their manhood. And there would be nothing wrong with having consensual sex with all the people we are attracted to, but in this way sex becomes an elusive opportunity, a toxic right in which there will hardly be room for respect and consent. The ‘lingam’ is the masculine organ that needs to be, somehow, re appreciated by men (and women). During a guided meditation where I guide men into a space where they felt super happy and empowered when they were young and discovered their place of power, the lingam. The wonder, the playfulness, the excitement. At a very young age you connect very naturally to your genitals and there the journey begins into awakening the sexual powers (and hopefully it can grow naturally without being influenced by porn etc). It is so beautiful to feel this energy. SO VIBRANT-So healing! Then I guide a man into a place where they first met with rejection. For most men there comes a time when their lingam is being rejected. It is ‘too much’, it is’ inappropriate, it’s dirty, it’s shameful, it’s violent, etc. This can happen at a very young age and this judgment comes often from people we love. The body remembers this and it is often a point for a man to decide: okay, my place of power, my masculinity is not welcome, it is considered shameful/aggressive etc. so I decide to dim my light (and put on a feminine shield). It is so painful to witness this pain. At times men will start to shake and roar like lions, as an attempt to reclaim and reconnect to this power. I could guide the energies that are stuck and free most of the pressure.. but there is so much healing still to do on this topic! I now worship the lingam but when I was younger I too, have rejected the lingam, was afraid of the lingam and intimidated by it. Because I did not know its powers and foremost it's HEALING powers. Always in my women and men trainings I bring back the ancient knowledge that the lingam is a sword of light, a giver of pure life force energy. It takes going back to a place of innocence to see it like that. Transfiguration. For all the men out there, worship your place of power. Don’t just use it ‘functionally’ or practically, but reconnect to it’s special powers. You carry this beautiful Shiva energy in it. And it is time to bring this power back to serve humanity A. Danielou in Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus, translates from the Shiva Purana, “I am not distinct from the phallus. The phallus is identical with me. It draws my faithful to me. Therefore it must be worshipped. My well-beloved! Wherever an upright male organ is to be found, I myself am present even if there is no other representation of me.” Shiva, the God of Transformation, who is beyond all forms. The circularity of the linga represents the endless, all-pervasiveness of Divinity.” —Mat McDermott PENIS REFLEXOLOGY Genital reflexology theory says that stimulating certain parts of the genitals balance the chi that corresponds with that organ. Regular stimulation of all these areas promotes health and vitality. Example If the head of the penis is stimulated more than the shaft, then the heart and the lungs will be over-stimulated which can then cause poor circulation, anxiety, respiratory conditions and sadness. Penis reflexology A penis has its own corporal map, some experts believe that the reflex points in the penis are more intense and efficient than those found in the feet or hands. Tip ❤️ HEART The glan. On the top and around the tip, contain fibers or points that correspond to the pituitary gland, pineal, adrenal, thymus organ, and prostate. On each side of the rim and at the base of the gland you will find the lungs. In the middle, down the rim towards the base of the glands is where the heart is located. The shaft of the penis. If we equally divide the shaft of penis in three with imaginary lines, the first third, that starts at the foreskin gland, contains the spleen, stomach, and pancreas; the second third, includes the small intestine and liver; and the last third, reaches the base of the penis and is embedded in the pelvis. This third corresponds to the large intestine, kidneys, and bladder. The testicles, the powerful testicles, are connected to all of the organs throughout the body. Women reflexology Vaginal opening is kidney then canal Liver Pancreas Spleen Lungs Heart end of sacred canal tip of cervix Example For Women If the clitoris receives regular stimulation, but the vagina is ignored this can lead to an imbalance of the kidneys which can then cause memory loss, bladder conditions, back or knee pain and much more. Quick organ 🎶 notes Liver: Healthy: Feeling generous, caring, sympathetic and confident. Sick: Feeling frustrated, greedy and angry. 2) Spleen: Healthy: Feeling grounded, centered, and open. Sick: Consumed with anxiety, stress and worry. 3) Lungs: Healthy: Feeling present, awake, and alive. Sick: Feeling depressed, regretful, and self-critical. 4) Heart: Healthy: Feeling content, enthusiastic and joy for no reason. Sick: Feeling thoughtless, impatient, and lazy. 5) Kidney Healthy: Feeling at peace, calm and gentle. Sick: Feelings of shame, guilt and fear. In order to have healthy, functioning genitals we need a rich supply of blood flow. When this blood flow becomes blocked or stagnant the human sexual arousal response is greatly affected. With poor blood flow to the genital area men will experience difficulty in getting and maintaining erections. A woman’s arousal also depends on a healthy blood flow, as she will have difficulty with producing sexual fluids necessary for penetration as well as getting the proper swelling in her labia and clitoris. A teacher will always share that the primary purpose of lovemaking is to transform sexual energy into healing energy and vitality resulting in better health. I believe that variety is the spice of life, varying strokes and positions is a great way to energize the chi of each organ. Taoist basics Taoists practitioners have differing beliefs about ejaculation. Some said that ejaculation means degradation of life as ejaculation results in general into fatigue that may lead to several diseases. Some believe that one should never ejaculate while some presented a chart of formulas that shows the frequency of ejaculation one must adhere to develop a healthy life. But these all point to the bottom line that “preservation of semen” is the foundation of Taoism sexual practices. There is a method that requires a man to apply pressure on the area between the anus and the scrotum that results to a retrograde ejaculation into the bladder. Taoists believe that the jing will travel up into the head and will “nourish the brain” by doing this technique. Of course, I pass on a multitude of techniques in my Onlyfans, 4yrs of education & shared out of love and respect even when losing vision or experiencing Lupus or Neurological changes, however in the Twitter space it was all basically for purposes of introduction & reminder to respect the Lingam. The perineal massage Just after doing the external blockage, two pressure points must be massaged – Hui-Yin and Chang-Chiang. The Hui-Yin point is located between the anus and the scrotum, at the center of perineum , while the Chang-Chiang point is at the centre of the coccyx and the anus. This method works by massaging the two points with your three fingers. It is recommended to use a soft silk cloth for easy movement and to prevent irritation in the area. If done correctly, this massage relaxes the tension in your muscles and stops the seminal fluid to flow over. This massage can be done regularly as it helps prevent prostate problems. Things men can do to improve the health of their sex lives, cock & selves .. Exercise Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Much emphasis is placed on women exercising their pelvic floor muscles, but it’s as important for men. Regularly exercising your pelvic floor muscles keeps blood flowing in this all-important male area. This taoist practice is good for the prostate, too, as contracting these muscles gives it a bit of a massage. There are two pelvic floor exercises you should incorporate into your fitness routine. The first one is when you stop yourself from urinating, which feels a bit like lifting your testicles. The second exercise is when you squeeze hard and deep within your pelvic floor so you can feel your sitting bones move closer together. The first exercise isn’t one you should do as an on-going practice. Instead, do it when you need to remind yourself what it feels like to contract this muscle group. This muscle memory is important for the second exercise. For the second pelvic exercise, consider setting a target of three sets of twenty squeezes each day. If you are not sure at first, you may find it easiest to lie down and place your hands on your buttocks to feel this movement. Practice makes perfect so you’ll get the hang of it over time. Nurture Your Other Sexual Areas One of the most important taoist practices is to nurture your body as a whole and not just your penis. Here are a selection of Taoist exercises you should consider adding to your routine: Penis stretching: where you hold the base of the penis and pull to the left, the right, then up, and then down to loosen any tight tendons and improve your blood flow. Testicle massaging and tapping, which helps to stimulate your sexual energy. External prostate massage using your finger to rub the perineum in a circular motion. Internal prostate massage, which is a more advanced technique of massaging the prostate via the anus using a finger or a prostate massager. Extend Your Self-Pleasuring There are many obvious benefits of self-pleasuring, including gratification. When you extend self-pleasuring, you also extend the benefits. Many men tend to have a single focus and that is to come as quickly as they can. When you slow down and broaden your approach to self-pleasuring, you can spread your pleasure throughout the body. THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: Premature Ejaculation.. Bye-Bye! 6 Unusual Ways To Last Looooonger Stimulating the penis is, of course, a central part of self-pleasuring. But there is also so much more to enjoy when you spread your pleasure to other parts of your body. Experiment with touching your belly, chest, thighs, or any part you feel moved to explore. In this way, you turn your whole body into a sexual organ and not just your penis. Imagine that amount of pleasure! Separate Your Orgasm From Ejaculation Often, men are under the impression that orgasm and ejaculation happen at the same time when orgasm actually starts before ejaculation. If you can retrain your body to separate the two, to hold back from ejaculation and enjoy a full body orgasm, you will experience something wonderful, energetic and deeply satisfying. It will take a fair bit of time and perseverance to get there, but the effort really is worth it. This is one of the most ancient taoist practices. Each man might experience it slightly differently, but essentially it is a shaking and fantastically pleasurable electric pulse that works through the whole body and is especially focused on the spine. Million Dollar point There are 6 steps in performing this method: Step 1 – Basically, whenever you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop and pull out of your partner’s sexual organ and just remain still until you are in control again. Step 2 – Perform 9 powerful and rapid contractions but keep in mind to retain your breathing and let the air fill your lungs. It’s recommended to repeat these contractions for up to 6 times to reduce the ejaculatory impulse, however, it’s not necessary to repeat it 6 times because the main purpose of this is for you to regain control over the sexual energy. So, if you feel that ‘control’ at your second try, then you can stop from there. Step 3 – This is the step where you contract your buttocks to interrupt the nervous circuit between the brain and the sexual organ to stop the ejaculatory impulse. Also, maintaining a toned buttock is important for your health as it helps in holding and absorbing energy while interfering nervous impulse during sex. Step 4 – This works by clenching your teeth and pressing your tongue on the palate to interrupt the fluctuation between your neck and body. This is also important while contracting your buttocks to ensure the blockage of seminal fluid. Step 5 – In this step, you have to relax your head, chest, neck, pelvis, and abdomen areas by exhaling slowly to release the yang energy smoothly. Then, inhale deeply to direct the energy back to your head. Step 6 – Now that you’re done with rapid and powerful penetrations, it’s time to be gentle and delicate. This step is mainly to prevent the energy to come out of your body through delicate penetrations while you contract the head of your sexual organ as you penetrate your partner. The Spaces included lots more of course but I wanted to share the summarized version because some had messaged me after, regarding yoni steams and techniques. Please do remember I work contribution based Dream work Shamanic journeys Cleansings Journeys to those crossed over Past life regressions Online Womb healings Soul Retrieval~connection back to self Sacred Masculine journeys Divine Feminine Simply message here by filling contact form and letting me know best way to reach you as well as time and what you are working on/overcoming or interested in. Or message through my Linktree

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Thank you for helping me share and pass on valuable teachings as well as overcome Lupus & neurological with natural practices and Plant medicine and document it.


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