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Feed your head appetizer

Just a sample of a post and type of things shared on my Vama Marga Tantra link

Vama marga tantra link which Includes but not limited to: Quodoushka medicine woman teachings, taoist tantra, neurology of sex, healing positions for couples and more.

Something's that you may not agree with completely but it IT IS such a full course on ancient to modern SEXOLOGY with tools to know thyself.

It is not Pornhub or Netflix Neo (watered down to sell Tantra which is great for some but no way similar to the ancient) and If that's what you are looking for don't bother. Oh and~

In time you realize you took notes because you are your Guru not anyone else and you are who has been doing the teaching

Excerpt and Exercise are discussed fully in one on ones or in video

Therefore shall a man leave his father and

his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and ey shall be one flesh. The man and the woman were both naked and were not ashamed of it because they still had not eaten from

the tasty forbidden fruit, which was pleasant to the eyes.

That forbidden fruit is sex. However, the sexual instinctual serpent was more astute and

said unto the woman: Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden.

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not

eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

Yet the sexual instinctual serpent seduced the woman and said unto her:

Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes

shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

In Eden, human beings were innocent because they still had not fornicated. Men and

women from Eden ate from the fruits of the Tree of Life, because the four heads of the

(sexual) river of the pure waters of life nourished the roots of the trees of the garden. ________________________________________ Exercise Lie down on your bed and with all the muscles of your body relaxed, slumber while

thinking that the fire of the Holy Spirit continues to descend from heaven (as in the

former practice) and enters into your head through the pineal gland. Feel that such a fire

inundates your brain and puts into motion from left to right (clockwise) the marvelous

and bi-colored lotus flower of your pituitary Chakra, the eye of the Prophet. The pituitary

gland is situated in the mid-brow. See it fill with fire and spin upon itself. While in that

state of consciousness, vocalize the syllable IN, as follows:


Feel as if you are floating on an ocean of fire. This exercise must last for about 30

minutes and must be performed before going to sleep; if possible perform it at the same

time everyday, while lying down on your bed.

The next day write down everything that you dreamed about in a notebook, without

telling your impressions to anybody and without commenting about this work

(that concerns only the secret study of yourself) with anyone)

Writing excerpt and exercise shared of the late Great eternal

Samael Aun Weor

Samael Aun Weor Born Bogotá Colombia One of my favorite authors that is inspiration in my life not just art or writing but mmmmhhhmm "feed yo head" Kind of food Have a Great Day Find Vama Marga Tantra link in my LINKTREE link

Or DM for anything Art, Shamanic or Tantra related

Not to say "hey baby how ya doin?' Gratitude Art available at


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