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Feed your Head love, chi and tantra!

The Crucial Points of Practice (Part 1)


I bow down before the Omniscient One, Spiritual father, sons, lineage holders, And my illustrious master,

Who taught me the meaning of Dzogchen, The inconceivable naked essence,

Primordially free.

The total integration of view and meditation practice

Beyond cultivating good qualities And eliminating bad ones

Is continuously to remain in wakefulness, Naturally free, in this very immediate presence Of awareness, just as it presents itself, Unaltered, uncorrected.

To know a bit about meditation practice

Without knowing how to set thoughts free

Results in the meditative absorptions of the gods.

Gaining certainty in one's realization

Comes with gaining skill in

How to set thoughts free as they're arising.

Focusing wandering mind through calm-state meditation

May muffle negative mental states for a while.

But as soon as circumstances change,

Ordinary discursive thoughts will just rear up again

Like poison that's lain dormant,

Until you've really understood the subtle crucial point

How thoughts are set free just as they arise.

Like ripples on water,

Ordinary discursive thoughts (Wanting this, not wanting that)

Pop up, all of a sudden.

But once you've learned how to liberate

Thoughts just as they arise,

They cannot take hold, and so they vanish.

This is a vital point that must be understood.

When "bad" thoughts arise, they will not accrue bad karma.

Since discursive thoughts

Set free just as they arise

Have not yet taken hold.

Who is helped or harmed by a mere flash of thought?

Until you master this crucial point

How to set thoughts free just as they arise

Your habitual mental chatter,

The constant undercurrent of thoughts, Grows into a flood of negative emotions.

If you merely notice thoughts without mindfulness, Positive thoughts keep creating hopes Negative thoughts keep creating fears.

By doing this, you keep accruing and compounding karma;

This process is the true source of samsara.

This is why an instant of awareness

That sets thought free in its own condition

Is superior to a thousand calm-state meditation appearances.

~ Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887)

Historical speak about sex and sexual energy sharing some quotes to contemplate. In my practice I read a lot but also contemplate what I read through out the morning. At Times applying the knowledge to my life practice other times testing it or observing behavior in others etc

And sharing so in observation you can explore great writes if the juiciest minds and kinds.

The Book of the Law solves the sexual problem completely. Each individual has an absolute right to satisfy his sexual instinct as is physiologically proper for him. The one injunction is to treat all such acts as sacraments. One should not eat as the brutes, but in order to enable one to do one’s will. The same applies to sex. We must use every faculty to further the one object of our existence.

“As the Holy Spirit is the creative energy in nature, the sex energy is its reflection in man, and misuse or abuse of that power must be expiated in impaired efficiency of the vehicles, in order to teach us the sanctity of the creative force.” Aleister Crowley

“Each person owns his or her body, and is responsible to the law of Consequence for any misuse resulting from the weak-willed abandonment of that body to another.” (The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception p. 471).

Author Paschal Beverly Randolph had wrote about sex and the soul in his book;

Sex is a thing of soul; most people think it but a mere matter of earthly form and physical structure. True, there are some unsexed souls; some no sex at all, and others still claiming one gender, and manifesting its exact opposite. But its laws, offices, utilities, and its deeper and diviner meanings are sealed books to all but about two in a million; yet they ought to have the attentive study of every rational human being, every aspirant to immortality beyond the grave.

Sex also holds a regenerating as well as a generating force. Our sexual fluid is what drives our creativity, passions and energy. It is a magnetic fluid that is not only composed of semen, but the true human emotional vehicle which is the solar astral body, which can be crystallised through Tantric sex. One energy acts through the human according to the sex of the human, male or female, - Thoughts of the sex nature enter the body through the sex organs; they arise and apply for entrance into the heart. If the mind grants. This is the sexual union of the souls and our spirits or astral bodies then become one. This is easier said than done since we live in a world where many people cannot muster the strength to just control and master their bodies, let alone master their souls or astral spirits.

we have sex with someone, we literally become one with that person’s astral body.

The true astral body receives its creative energy through our sexual energy that acts like a conduit to our mental body in which is the case of a man, his penis is a type of positive conduit pole that then penetrates the negative whole of the astral body of the women. They are called enunnciators for the astral body to work through as a connecting link between the soul and the physical body. - Collected some great quotes for contemplation of

sexuality and energy, the energy and astral bodies. What is really going on and the simplicity of beingNess as the Energy being you truly are

Illuminati Sex Magic - Part I" with an eloquent quote from the Master Rosicrucian, Max Heindel; “Through passion the spirit has been crystallized into a body and only by chastity can the fetters be loosed, for heaven is the home of the virgin and only insofar as we elevate love from that of sex for sex to the standard of soul for soul can we shatter the shackles that bind us.” (Mysteries of the Great Operas, pp. 153-4)

Way too many paths, philosophies, religions and practices point to the fact that naughty or nice Sex and sexual energy is a key we need to use to unlock and reveal more and more of our true nature. Shakti DeviMea throwback

Deeper dive desert chakra feast


Our first identity level is known as the physical identity, and its job is self-preservation. Here we learn to identify with the body - when my body is hungry, I am hungry, when it hurts, I hurt. The body cloaks the invisible soul, and reveals its shape and expression. When we identify with the body, we identify with the soul’s expression in physical form, as well as its physical qualities of male, female, young, old, fat, thin, healthy, or sick. Physical identification is necessary for dealing with the physical world. If I don’t realize that I cannot lift one hundred pounds of paper in a carton, I can seriously hurt my back. If I don’t recognize when I’m hungry or need to rest, I can seriously compromise my health over time. To go without this identity is to be dissociated from the body and disconnected from the physical world.


Beneath the surface of the body churn the emotions. The emotions are the clothing of our feelings. When we experience a strong emotion, we feel our aliveness and often identify with the feeling involved. Even our language makes this identification: I am angry, I am scared. (Other languages say, I have fear or anger.) This is the identity that says, I feel therefore I am, and whatever I feel is what I am. Some people identify their main sense of self in this way. The second chakra, then, is our emotional identity, and its job is self-gratification. Emotion emerges from our physical identity and yet brings in an added dimension. We have to feel our bodies in order to feel our emotions and learn to interpret their messages. Emotional identity expands the experience of the body and gives it dimension and texture, connecting us to the flow of the world.


In the third chakra, we identify with our will, behavior, and our actions. This is where we realize that we are a separate entity with the power to choose our own actions and consequences. This is the ego identity, oriented towards self-definition. This type of identification says, “I am what I do.” When we do something right or achieve something difficult, we feel good about ourselves. When we make mistakes or fail, then we think we’re bad. We think that what we do is a statement of who we are. Ego identity emerges from physical and emotional identity and can be thought of as the inner executive, as it executes our intentions. This is the identity most often in charge. But we have to remember - it is only a middle manager.


In the fourth chakra, we create a social identity, also known as the persona. The persona is the personality created to interact with others - it is the part of ourselves that the ego allows to rise above the surface, separated off from the shadow. Our social identity may be the compulsive helper, the seductive lover, the pleaser, or the entertainer. In our families we may take on the role of the lost child, the hero, the good girl, or the rebel. Initially, our self-concept is based on how others react to us - whether we are popular or an outcast, admired or criticized, loved or rejected - identifying ourselves primarily through our relationships. As we mature, the identity shifts to include how we perceive our role of service to others, or how we have learned to give and embrace a world beyond our ego-oriented self. This becomes our basis for self-acceptance. The social identity has the ego as its base, yet continually expands beyond the realm of self-centered needs to embrace an awareness of others. As I transcend my ego identity to care more about others, my social identity emerges. Yet, how I present myself to others depends a great deal on underlying ego strength.


The fifth chakra is the center of our creative identity. Here we identify with our self-expression - what we say and produce. Initially, we identify with our word through the commitments we make. ‘I have committed myself in marriage and by that commitment I am a wife.’ ‘I have given my word to write a book, and in that commitment I am a writer.’ In this identity, we take responsibility for what we say by embodying it in our actions. Through our creativity, we identify ourselves as artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, politicians, mothers, or fathers. (We may also identify with our mistakes and failures.) The creative identity expands outward, through its ability to contribute and give back to the larger system. As this level matures, we begin to identify with larger possibilities and reach for inspiration from the great works of civilization, from the inspiring acts of heroes and saints, poets and painters. As we expand into the creative flux of the world around us, we identify with our path. Our path is the realization of our personal contribution to the larger system. Ideally, the path leads to an ever-expanding growth of consciousness and an eventual transcendence of the personal self into the transpersonal self. Its foundation is a healthy ego, social confidence, and a sense of compassion for others.


In the sixth chakra, we expand into our archetypal identity, transforming the individual I into something transpersonal. Our personal story is now seen as an event in a larger story. If we suffered from poor mothering because our mothers were not supported, we carry a piece of the archetypal story of the degradation of the Mother Goddess - the loss of the archetypal Mother. The power that our mothers lacked was the same power that has been stripped from women over millennia, stripped from the archetype itself. Those who suffered from distant fathers carry a piece of the larger story of industrial revolution, of disempowered men removed from their families, and the distant Father-God archetype. We enlarge our understanding of Self as we find our own life themes reflected in fairy tales, mythology, movies, and news stories. We experience self-reflection in the larger system. We realize we are players in a much larger drama, riding the waves of the cultural tide’s ebb and flow. As we mature at this level, we consciously embrace the evolution of the archetypal symbols that speak to us. If we take on a crusade for the preservation of the ancient forests, we are doing more than just saving trees - we contribute to a larger archetypal cause.


In the crown chakra, we come to the final and largest identity: our universal identity. The more our consciousness expands, the larger our identity can become. As we realize the magnificent scope of the cosmos, we have the opportunity to transcend our smaller, more limited world, and identify with the entire universe. This is a common theme in mystical experiences where the identification with the smaller ego states gives way to recognition of a unitary identity with all of life, indeed of all creation. In Eastern philosophy, this is the basis of true self-knowledge - the knowledge of divinity within. The chakra levels move from exclusively individual identities - as unique and singular as our bodies - toward a universal commonality. At the other extreme of the crown chakra, individuality is transcended and absorbed in the larger field of the divine. This is expressed by the Buddhist maxim: Thou Art That. The purpose of the crown chakra, meditation, and indeed, of most spiritual disciplines, is to break through the bonding with the smaller identities and to achieve realization of the universal identity. This does not deny the reality of the smaller identities; it just means that we see them as part of a unified and integrated whole. Each identity is primary when our developmental process is centered there. Like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we must consolidate our identities on the lower levels before we can sustain the larger identities, even though we may catch glimpses of them from time to time quite out of order. As we experience the higher, more inclusive identities, our lower identities slide into appropriate perspective - no less important, yet taking their place as pieces supporting a much larger, more powerful whole.

- Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind

Meditation to restart practice that some already received

If you already did this one don't worry more advanced are coming to keep building in our imagination station

All the ways to experience our connection and dive into Buymeacoffee shop and all the art and contributions link to continue offering shamanic, death doula and service and contribution rates for those without resources and to help me overcome Lupus & Neurological naturally


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