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Feed your head Playah

Hook up culture is the result of a psycholog- ically afflicted generation, too bruised by the degradation of relationship values they've seen. We no longer honour the sanctity of union-ship. From music, to television, the marriage template is portrayed as stagnant, and Un-enjoyable. No sanctity of union ship, no desire to build a strong family unit = broken communities, weaker social ties & understanding of relationship (dynamics). We are heading toward a culture of several,baby mothers', and 'baby fathers', with no family bonds, nor community practice. The fact that people come on Twitter and even make jokes/ memes, out of having, 'side chicks, and 'side guys' is proof of desensitisation. The holy trinity, mother + father + [=]child, (masculine and feminine energies combining to the highest essence of creation)..

If people believed they would genuinely be loved, respected, and received if they entered a partnership, there would be no 'hook up culture' Yes, (we) humanity may be collectively moving toward new ideals. But not ALL of these are progressive. Some are still born of trauma. A generation that largely witnessed the break down of their parents marriages, (their mother's lack of expression+ their fathers lack of enthusiasm), are inevitably going to view partnership with contempt, and something signifying entrapment, and passive acceptance.

The only true reason, you'll want to be having sex with others without building emotional bonds, is because you are fearful of such intimacy. In your humble opinion, it is far easier to, 'mimic' this form of closeness, as naturally, all humans require some level of social bonding. Sex, for many, is as close as it gets to love. If you study sacred sexuality, you would know there can be no separation from intimacy, love and sex. It has only become so, since those in power realised the manifestation power behind such sexual cultivation.. Keep people focused on the primal aspects of sex, and they remain trapped in ego consciousness.

You know you can actually cause trauma to a woman's womb, and psyche, under the guise of a 'one night stand?' Men awaken a portal within a woman after sexual intimacy. To then close that portal, or deny responsibility for all that awakens with it, is to prematurely stunt her energy formation. It causes trauma because it reduces her to her sexual organs, in terms of validity.

Women, and men experience sex a little differently.. Aside from tantric sex, and twin flame sex, that awakens awareness in both partners, generally, the process of sex is more physical for men, (unless they practice sacred sensuality), and the process for women, is largely emotional. During sex, a woman's heart centre may be activated through stimulation of her breasts, (the heart centre/chakra sits right Inbetween), or through stimuli-station of the womb, which is thought to also ignite feelings of either safety/protection, or fear, and attack. It is not surprise that the womb is associated with feelings of love and comfort - this is the very place that houses in-coming souls.

The goal in tantric sex, is to allow both partners to transform their sexual energy, into creative, godly energy, (love). Through the pro-longing of the orgasm, the man trains himself to maintain this momentary glimpse of heaven, by involving not only his lower chakras, but moving from the lower centre, to the higher centres, therefore igniting kundalini awakening. - just think of the snake spiralling up the chakra system, making its way through to the top. This process begins quite naturally in women after intercourse.. (Well, at least it tries to).

Woman, by nature is accustom to being nurturing and receptive. To making a home out of all she is given. You cannot stir this process within her, and then force her to dismantle the alchemical transformation whilst it is in progress.. Biologically, at this point, she is awakening, (the true purpose of sex). Abandoning her afterward is equivalent to awakening a sleeping child,only to offer them a sleeping pill whilst they are finally adjusting to being awakened. The confusion of the natural process is damaging. When you enter a woman, she has surren- dered to you.. In turn, you owe her a duty, of succumbing to whatever arises within her.. Because at that point, it is an accumulation of both of your energies. She is experiencing not only her awakening, but stirring yours.

Her behaviour afterward will shine a light on all that you are. If she begins to act fearful, she is responding to a place of fear within you both. If she grows more loving and playful, she is reflecting this nature within yourself.. Listen and take heed.

Abstinence, and a prolonged period of celibacy is a good cure for women who have, in the past given their sexual power away in anyway. Sexual power can be given (taken) away in a magnitude of ways. People pleasers who use sex as a means to validate their desirability, are but one way sexual power may be given. In this case, the abuse is self inflicted, though very much as potent in its damaging effects. In this absence, the woman should spend time honouring her womb, (rituals to celebrate moon cycles, and womb cycles), and learn of its divinity.

The self cleansing mechanisms of the vagina, will take care of the rest. Largely, it is a mental game of re-introducing harmony. There are also forms of visualisation meditation that can see you through retrieving parts of your soul that were lost..


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