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Determining the Depth of a Trance

The light trance state:

• The subject is physically relaxed

The subject's eyelids may flutter or twitch

• Sounds may become painful

Light to medium trance state:

• The subject's limbs feel heavy

• The subject's breathing becomes slower and deeper

• Intense feeling of deep relaxation (the subject does not feel like moving, speaking or thinking)

• The subject feels detached from his/her surroundings

Medium trance state:

• The subject is aware of the trance, but cannot describe it

• Suggestive state (For example, the operator suggests the subject has an ant on his/her arm and

the subject can actually feel it crawling, even though there is nothing there or the operator

suggests there is smoke in the room and the subject smells it, though there is no smoke)

• Catalepsy: A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular

rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.

Deep or somnambulistic trance state:

• The subject can open eyes without affecting the trance

• Fixed stare and pupil dilation when eyes are opened.

• Complete amnesia

• Systemized post-hypnotic amnesia

• Uncontrolled movements of eyeballs

• Sensation of lightness, floating, swinging or falling

• The subject experiences a distortion of sound

• The subject can control his/her involuntary body functions- i.e., heart rate, blood pressure

• Recall of lost memories

• Age regression

• Visual hallucinations

• Auditory hallucinations

• Total Anesthesia

Methods of testing the depth of the trance:

The operator must establish the depth of the trance in order to remain in control of the session. This is

done by testing the subject for their receptivity to the operator’s suggestions. The most common

method used is where the operator tells the subject he/she cannot move his/her arm. Example:

”Your arm is stuck to the chair, you cannot lift it, and when I count to five, I want you to try to lift it. If

you have cooperated, you will find that the harder you try to lift your arm, the more it remains stuck to

the chair.”

The operator then counts to five, saying after each number, “Your arm is stuck to the chair.”

When five is reached, if the subject cannot move his/her arm, they are in a trance. If the subject can

move his/her arm, he/she has not accepted the suggestion. The operator must start all over again and

explain he/she can do nothing without the subject’s cooperation. It is always important to secure the

trust of the subject.

The next stage is where the operator deepens the trance and again checks to see how deep the subject

has gone. The operator tells the subject he/she will stroke the back of the subject's hand and he/she will

feel an increasing numbness and loss of sensation in that hand. After a few minutes of stroking, and

speaking, the operator pinches the back of the subject's hand and then does the same with the back of

the other hand that has not been stroked and asks the subject if he/she can feel any difference. If the

subject replies that there is a difference, this stage of trance has been achieved; if not, the operator

explains to the subject that further work on deepening the trance must be done. More sessions will be

needed to take the subject deeper and deeper.

The next stage the operator tests is an even deeper stage. If the subject has advanced to this stage,

he/she will be amnesic. The operator tells the subject to imagine that he/she is standing in front of a

blackboard with a piece of white chalk and instructs him/her to take the chalk and write three words on

the board. "Now I want you to take the chalk and write the following three words on the blackboard:

First, tree; next grass and lastly cloud. Raise your arm when you are finished writing the three words."

When the subject has signaled he/she is done writing the words, the operator instructs him/her that

there is an eraser on the ledge of the Blackboard and says "I want you to take the eraser and erase the

words tree and grass, leaving only the word 'cloud.' As you erase the words, I want you to also erase

them from your mind, so that all you can think of now is 'cloud' 'cloud.' You are going into a deeper and

deeper sleep. You are in a deep, sound sleep and all you can think of is the word 'cloud.' Now, what

were the three words you wrote on the blackboard?" If the subject is able to remember the three words,

he/she has not yet reached the amnesic stage of trance. If not, the subject has reached this stage of deep

trance. The operator should then say "When I count to three, you will then remember the three words

and repeat them to me." The subject should then be able to remember the words and repeat them.

In order to be able to place the subject in this stage of trance the next time the operator performs the

hypnosis, he/she should tell the subject before bringing him/her back "From now on, whenever I put

you into a trance, you will have reached the same depth of trance as you are in now by the time I have

counted to ten."

The operator then brings the subject out of the trance: "I am now goinSelf-Hypnosis

For self-hypnosis, you need to get yourself into a deep trance. The following is an excerpt from "A

Treatise on Astral Projection" by Robert Bruce:

How To Enter A Trance

Relax and calm your mind through breath awareness. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the

dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself

climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.

What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. This changes the level of brain wave activity

from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). Once your levelof brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance.

Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your

experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.

Note: Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the mental falling exercise. If you don’t like the ladder,

imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale. Or,

Imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. As I

stated above, you need a mental falling effect to lower your level of brain wave activity. This mental

falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the

trance state. Feel free to use any scenario you are familiar with to bring about this going deeper feeling.

A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a

very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a

cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. It’s like everything goes

fuzzy or slightly blurred. Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.

Deep Trance

The level of trance you achieve depends greatly on your relaxation, concentration skills and will power.

To enter a deeper trance, i.e., Theta level and beyond, you have to concentrate much more and for much

longer, on the mental falling sensation aided by breath awareness. The first level of trance, i.e., when

you get very heavy, is quite deep enough for projection. I strongly advise against forcing yourself

deeper than a light trance, until you have plenty of experience with the trance state.

How can you tell if you are entering a deep trance? There are four very noticeable symptoms:

1. An uncomfortable feeling of cold that doesn’t make you shiver, coupled with a steady loss of body


2. Mentally, you will feel very odd and everything will feel extremely slooooow. Your thought

processes will slow down as if you had been given a strong pain killing injection.

3. You will feel disassociated from your body, i.e., a strong floating sensation and everything will seem

far away.

4. Total physical Paralysis. Note: These four things, ALL TOGETHER, signify you are entering a deep

trance. Do not mistake the mild floating sensation you sometimes get with light trance, i.e., as you

astral body comes loose. Or the slight loss of body heat from sitting still for a long time and the mild

paralysis, i.e., the heaviness, for a deep trance. The sensation of deep trance is quite uncomfortable and

unmistakable for what it is.

It is very difficult to get into the deep trance state, as you need highly developed relaxation,

concentration and trance state skills plus lots and lots of will power and mental energy. You will not

accidentally fall into it. If you are worried you are going too deep, remember this: You CAN pull

yourself out of it at any time. Concentrate ALL your will on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can

move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and

get up and walk around for a few minutes. Falling into a deep trance should not be a problem with

these exercises.

Energy Body Expansion

At some point after entering the trance state, you will feel a mild paralysis come over you. This will

soon be accompanied by a deepening vibration and a buzzing feeling all over. You may also feel like

you are huge and swollen. The paralysis, vibrations and the huge feeling are symptoms of the energy

body expanding and the astral body loosening. This is part of the normal sleep process. The energy

body expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy. During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body."

Some people use a tape recorder and listen to the talking through and statements. The drawback here is

when in a deep trance state, sounds can become painful and jar the nervous system. Everyone is

individual and one should experiment to find the best individual methods. What works for one person

may not work for another.

While in this state, you can regress into a past life, by walking through a door or "portal" in your mind.

The deep trance state is the time to make repeated affirmations to yourself to program your mind. Self-

hypnosis is much like hypnotizing others, with the exception, you make the statements to yourself.

Again, several sessions may be necessary.

Bring yourself out slowly and gradually, as you would do in returning from the astral.

How to go into a Deep Trance

A deep trance makes it possible to access the subconscious mind and to program it as we seee fit. The

active left side of the brain blocks out any attempts to access the passive right side where the seat of the

unconscious is. This is analagous to turning off the electricity to a room or a building in order to fix the

wiring. The right side of the brain is where we can program our minds to manifest what we want in


To get into a trance state takes practice. Remember, each of us is individual and some may find this

easier than others. The important thing is to be persistent and patient with yourself. Persistence and

consistency are everything here.

Performing breathing exercises before trance is highly recommended, as this will naturally calm the nervous system.

1. Sit comfortably. Do not lie down because you might fall asleep.

2. Breathe in for a count of six, hold for a count of six and then exhale for a count of six. Do this

breathing until you are completely relaxed. Ideally, you should no longer be able to feel your body.

3. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can

feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the

inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.

4. Now, let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. If you get dizzy or disoriented, just bring your

attention to the front of your body and this will stop. This mental falling effect, when combined with

deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state.

What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. This changes the level of brain wave activity

from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). Once your level

of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance. Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the

mental falling exercise. If you don’t like the ladder, imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself

falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale. Or, Imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating

down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. You need a mental falling effect to lower your level

of brain wave activity.

5. Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your

experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.

A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a

very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a

cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. It’s like everything goes

fuzzy or slightly blurred. Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.

6. To bring yourself out of the trance:

Concentrate on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move

your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes.What this exercise does:

In order to advance in psychic power, we must train our minds. When we are in a trance state, our brain

waves slow down considerably. There are two sides to the brain- the left logical/intellectual masculine

side and the right creative/intuitive feminine side. The right side is the seat of the subconscious. This is

the area of the mind that is open to suggestion and programming and the seat of our astral power. When

the left side of our brain is active in thinking, the right side cannot be accessed. Trance states shut off

the left side so we can access and program the right side (subconscious).

It takes training to be able to induce a deep trance state. Deep trance states are not always necessary,

but for specific workings, they are very important. Once we train our minds to go deeper and deeper

into a trance, this becomes easier and easier and takes less and less time as we become adept. The mind

is like a muscle and for most people, this exercise will be an introduction to a part of the mind that has

never even been accessed before.

It is *very* important to never be startled out of a trance state, especially a deep one, so make sure you

are in a room or area where you are left alone and the phone is turned off. Being startled and pulled out

of a trance the wrong way can be extremely painful and the pain can last for days, especially if you are

doing energy work in this state.

It is normal when in a trance state for any sounds to be very painful. This is because in this state, our

senses are extremely heightened.

An adept can place themselves in a deep trance within seconds at will. In

closing, it is not necessary to always go into a deep trance to work with

your mind. The trance state is used to train your mind. With very

important or difficult workings, a deep trance is often necessary.

EZ Chakra Spin

This meditation only takes a few minutes or less and can be done at any time when you can tune in and

focus. It is easy to do and can take the place of a full or extended meditation for people who lack the

necessary privacy and/or are short on time.

Turn your attention to the base of your spine and visualize your base chakra as a vortex (like a small

tornado). Color the energy a rich vibrant red and spin it. Keep spinning it until it spins fast and on its


Work your way up through each chakra, visualizing each one and spinning it until it spins fast and on

its own. Visualize each one as a spinning vortex with a powerful vibrant color-

• 1st- red

• 2nd- orange

• 3rd- yellow

• 4th- green

• 5th- rich sky blue

• 6th- indigo (Bluish-violet)

• 7th- purple

When you spin the 6th chakra, focus *behind* your 3rd eye, in the middle of your head. Many people

erroneously believe the third eye to be the 6th chakra. The 3rd eye is an *extension* of the 6th chakra;

not the 6th chakra.

Each of your chakras should be a powerful vibrant color. Chakras that are

dark or tainted are not functioning properly. Keep spinning them and

focus your visualization to restore them to their own powerful color. You

might also want to clean them if this is the case.

When our chakras spin at a faster rate, this helps to protect us from misfortune and disease. It also

opens us to the astral and protects us astrally as well as in the physical world. Remember, though,

energy work must be done every day as each day builds on the day before and until a strong energy

field is permanently established, short term benefits can be lost or harder to restore.

Also, note that the soul is made of light. Each of the chakras is a wavelength of light frequency, as can

be seen in a light prism, when the light of the sun is broken into the spectrum of visible colors. This is

in physics. All of the so-called "occult" can be scientifically explained. When we breathe in or invoke

light energy, we are empowering our soul.

Using the Runes

The Kabalah is actually pretty straightforward when stripped of all the meaningless Jewish bullshit and

alterations. Kabalistic magick is based upon letters and numbers, in that each letter corresponds with a

number. The name of the letter is vibrated with a specific focus on a chakra of choice, an aspect of the

soul, the aura, a body organ (for empowering and/or healing). The basis of this is the $ "huyogicmming


Example One:

Healing Meditation-

1. Go into a trance and breathe in energy into the specific organ that needs healing. Visualize this as

white-gold like the sun.

2. State your affirmation such as "I am breathing in powerful healing energy that is ridding my _____

of disease permanently, and making it strong, healthy and normal in every way. State this several times

in your mind with intent with each breath.

3. Now breathe in the energy and on the exhale, vibrate the name of the rune you wish to use. Say you

are using the "Uruz" rune, you would inhale the energy and ON THE EXHALE, FOCUS THE



4. The number for Uruz is two, so you would want to vibrate this rune for a number corresponding to

two, such as twenty times for each session.

During the meditation, visualize the Uruz rune as you can. In time, when you open your mind, this can

all be simultaneously. The rune should be shining with power.

Example Two:

Empowering a chakra-

Say for example you want to empower your heart chakra, the Gebo rune rules this chakra.

1. Go into a trance and breathe in energy into your heart chakra. Visualize this as white-gold like the

sun, as the sun is the esoteric ruler of the heart chakra and the center of power of the soul.

2. Vibrate the Gebo Rune and FEEL it vibrating right in your heart chakra: GGGGGG-(this is guttural

and the sound is prolonged in the back of the throat, creating a powerful energy circuit)-

AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY-BBBBBBBBBBB (this again is vibrated on the


The number for Gebo is seven, so you would want to vibrate this rune either seven times per meditation

session or a multiple of seven.

Example Three:

Using energy to empower your aura to attract someone/something-

1. Go into a trance, feel your aura and breathe energy into it.

2. State your affirmation for example "I am breathing in powerful energy into my aura that is

attracting___ to me."

2. Vibrate whichever rune you choose that corresponds to whatever it is you wish to attract and FEEL

the vibration in your aura.

Repeat for the specific number of times corresponding to the rune you are using.


Rune vibrating takes a lot of practice and concentration. It is best to go somewhere, where you are

alone and won't be disturbed, where you can vibrate aloud. I listen to music with my headphones as this

helps me to focus on FEELING the vibration correctly which is so important. Use whatever works for

you as we are all individuals.

Pronouncing and Vibrating the Runes

There are variations in the sounds that can be made for each of the letters. Pronunciation of the umlauts

are as follows:

• Ä ä - Between an American English hard A, as in "Add" and short E, as in "Hen."

• Ö ö - The way the the British would say the word "Fur."

• Ü ü - Round your lips to say OH, but instead, say eee, as in "See."

Pronunciation of Anglo-Saxon and Gothic are as follows:

• Æ - Hard American English "A" as in the pronunciation of "cat."

• Þ þ - English "TH" At start or end of word, th as in "thing," in middle of word th as in "there."

• C - before e, before i, after i, pronounce as CH as in "channel."

• Ð ð - English "TH" At start or end of word, th as in "thing," in middle of word th as in "there."

• a as in hat, sometimes "ah" as in father

• e as in set

• é as in pay

• i as in sit

• í as in seat

• o as in hot

• ó as in role

• u as in pull

• ú as in pool

• y - Same as the German umlaut Ü

• ý - Same as the German word für

• ea: pronounced EH-ah "EH" short E, as in the American English word "let" "ah" as in father

• éa: pronounced AY-ah "AY" long A, as in "hay" "ah" as in father

• ei: pronounced as EH-eye (like saying the word "eye" - short E, as in the American English

word "let" long I, as in the English word "Light."

• eo: eh - o (short o as in hot) pronounced EH-ah "EH" short E, as in the American English word

"let" "ah" as in father

• éo: ay - o (short o as in hot) pronounced AY-ah "AY" long A, as in "hay" "ah" as in father

• ew: oo - ua, as in "truant"

• f at start or end of a word is pronounced as f.

• In middle of a word it is pronounced as v.

• Beside an unvoiced consonant, it is pronounced as f. (An 'unvoiced consonant' for

example is the English word "knight" the k, g and h are silent.

• Doubled (ff), pronounce it as f.

• G in general g as in garden; before e, before i, and after i, pronounce as the letter Y as in yarn.

In middle of a word, gh as in the German word "nacht."

• gh: pronounced like the German "ich." This is equivalent to saying the English word "fish" but

the "sh" is made with the upper back of the throat.

• H: as in German "nacht" This is like the "ich" but a bit more pronounced with the back of the


• ie: ih - eh (short i as in sit) pronounced IH-eh; short E, as in the American English word "let"

• íe: ee - eh pronounced EE-eh

• ng - hard g as in finger, linger, NOT like in singer, even when at the end of a word.

• S at start or end of word, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• In middle of a word, pronounce as Z, as in Zebra

• Beside an unvoiced consonant, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• Doubled (ss)pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• SC is normally pronounced as "SH" as in the word "Shine."

Pronunciation of German is as follows (see also the umlauts above)

• ch - is pronounced at the back of the throat, as in the German word "ich." This is equivalent to

saying the English word "fish" but the "sh" is made with the upper back of the throat, or lower

in the throat as in the German word "nacht." (No English equivalent).

• R's should always be rolled.

• V is pronounced F

• W is pronounced V

• Z - is pronounced "ts" as in "pizza"

In Kabalistic "Speech," each of the letters must be correctly vibrated. Kabalistic sounds for each of the

letters are a bit different than whFor vibrating the Runes, use the examples above. Basic Kabalistic pronunciation of the letters not listed

in the above are as follows (note, it is important to pronounce the Runes as with the dialects in the

above)The following is basic kabalistic speech:

A (see examples above)

B is vibrated with the lips pursed.

C is vibrated in the back of the throat, like a hard cat's hiss.

For the letter D, follow the rules for the Gothic example above:

Ð ð - English "TH" At start or end of word, th as in "thing," in middle of word th as in "there."

E is vibrated in the back of the throat as in making the sound for the letter Y, for example "Y-E-E-E-E-

E-E-E-E" while constantly vibrating the Y sound inthe throat.

F is vibrated as a light V.

G is vibrated in the back of the throat and is guttural, like softly gargling, but should be smooth and


For the letter H, use the rules for German:

H h: as in German "nacht" This is like the "ich" but a bit more pronounced with the back of the throat.

To correctly vibrate the letter I, vibrate "ah" and switch to the long I to get the feel, this is also from the

back of the throat.

J is vibrated either softly as in the French "Jacques" or for some words, the hard English J, but make

sure you can feel the vibration.

K is vibrated, as in hacking up a spit.

L, M, N, are vibrated as in normal English.

O is vibrated as the long English "O"

P is a bit tricky. Vibrate as for the letter B, (B is vibrated with the lips pursed), while at the same time,

making the vibration for the letter V

Q is the same as the letter C

R is normally rolled, but can also be the English R, as in Gothic and Old English

S at start or end of word, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• In middle of a word, pronounce as Z, as in Zebra

• Beside an unvoiced consonant, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• Doubled (ss)pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

T is tricky. Vibrate "TH" while at the same time Z. It is between the two.

TH is Th, as in "The."

U is vibrated as in the word ooze.

V as in "Very."

W is the English W

X, same as K

Y, same as the English Y

Z, same as the English Z

Now, for example, take the rune "ÜRUZ." To properly vibrate this rune would be as follows:


The R's should be rolled and the second U pronounced as in the word ooze. Like a mantra, For vibrating the Runes, use the examples above. Basic Kabalistic pronunciation of the letters not listed

in the above are as follows (note, it is important to pronounce the Runes as with the dialects in the

above)The following is basic kabalistic speech:

A (see examples above)

B is vibrated with the lips pursed.

C is vibrated in the back of the throat, like a hard cat's hiss.

For the letter D, follow the rules for the Gothic example above:

Ð ð - English "TH" At start or end of word, th as in "thing," in middle of word th as in "there."

E is vibrated in the back of the throat as in making the sound for the letter Y, for example "Y-E-E-E-E-

E-E-E-E" while constantly vibrating the Y sound inthe throat.

F is vibrated as a light V.

G is vibrated in the back of the throat and is guttural, like softly gargling, but should be smooth and


For the letter H, use the rules for German:

H h: as in German "nacht" This is like the "ich" but a bit more pronounced with the back of the throat.

To correctly vibrate the letter I, vibrate "ah" and switch to the long I to get the feel, this is also from the

back of the throat.

J is vibrated either softly as in the French "Jacques" or for some words, the hard English J, but make

sure you can feel the vibration.

K is vibrated, as in hacking up a spit.

L, M, N, are vibrated as in normal English.

O is vibrated as the long English "O"

P is a bit tricky. Vibrate as for the letter B, (B is vibrated with the lips pursed), while at the same time,

making the vibration for the letter V

Q is the same as the letter C

R is normally rolled, but can also be the English R, as in Gothic and Old English

S at start or end of word, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• In middle of a word, pronounce as Z, as in Zebra

• Beside an unvoiced consonant, pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

• Doubled (ss)pronounce as S, as in "Satan."

T is tricky. Vibrate "TH" while at the same time Z. It is between the two.

TH is Th, as in "The."

U is vibrated as in the word ooze.

V as in "Very."

W is the English W

X, same as K

Y, same as the English Y

Z, same as the English Z

Now, for example, take the rune "ÜRUZ." To properly vibrate this rune would be as follows:


The R's should be rolled and the second U pronounced as in the word ooze. Like a mantra, vibrating the

runes is to be done repeatedly and should be for the number of times as is the number of the rune.

Color Meditation

*This meditation requires the 'breathing' in of energy. You should have experience with the

Foundation Meditation before performing this meditation.

Unfortunately, “white light” is overused by many Wiccan and New Age people who don’t know what

they are doing. These people use white light to the exclusion of all other colors, and as a result are not

competent in working with colors. Because white contains *all* of the colors of the spectrum, they are

taking in all of these colors and those they are unable to control or work with, are left on their own

without direction. Each color represents a particular frequency of energy that most of us use in our

daily lives. If one is not competent in the ability to handle each color, the white light often is unable to

be used properly.

White light is easy enough to use and is great for beginners, but the problem is that it is overused.

White light is great for cleaning one’s aura and balancing energies. It is also great for protection.

White light, when placed around a person, becomes a barrier to interaction with others. This is because

white light reflects. If you want to be left alone, then envelope yourself in white light. Filling yourself

with white light on the inside strengthens and protects without becoming a barrier to others if you want

social interaction.

Overuse of white light can create an arrogant attitude, especially where spirituality is concerned, along

with closed mindedness, and rigidity in attitudes. This is often seen in those who practice angel magick.

The overall result is that of being at a lower level of spiritual development.

When an individual is competent and has mastered all of the colors, he/she is able to use the white light

to its fullest extent.

The Color Meditation:

Begin by getting comfortable and doing breathing exercises or whatever you do to focus your mind and

calm yourself before entering into your trance state.

Breathe in and fill yourself with each breath with a specific color of the spectrum, visualizing it as

brighter and brighter each time (not lighter; by brighter, I mean more intense):

Red, blue, yellow, orange, violet, green, indigo (bluish-violet, the color of the 6th chakra) or black. This

meditation can also be done after meditating on a specific chakra. You can then fill yourself with the

color of that chakra.

If you are new to color meditation, hold the color for two to four minutes. If the color feels pleasant,

you can hold for a longer period of time. Those who are used to the energy of the colors can hold much

longer. One’s increased time should be comfortable and gradual.

Each color should be in its pure form and bright. Later on, it is fine to experiment with different shades

when adept.

If a color feel negative to you, work with it gradually. Ask your mind for an answer as to why. What

does the color mean to you? What associations do you have with a particular color? This is a great way

to find out more about yourself. Which colors feel pleasant to you? These are the ones that you may be

using the most in your life to the exclusion of others. Knowing this provides information as to which

chakras need more work to bring them up to full power.

Meditating on Chakra Sounds

Each chakra has a standard sound. By meditating on these sounds and focusing on the specific chakra,

this is one way of opening up your astral hearing.

• Base Chakra, the physical Level:

Sounds include thunder or a soft hissing. Red

• Sacral Chakra, the astral Level:

Roar like the ocean or the sound of wind. Orange

• Third chakra the level of will:

H-h-h-a-a-h-h-h sound (silent, like an exhale- no voice; long and continuous) or the sound of

humming/vibration “aum.” Yellow

• Heart Chakra, the intuitional Level:

Buzzing like a bee (bioelectricity) or the sound of a flute. Green

• Throat Chakra the mental Level:

Azazel gave me a sound. The best way I can describe it is like twisting a balloon. Humming can

also be used. Blue

• 6th Chakra, the soul Level

The sound of woodwind instruments. Bluish violet (indigo)

• Crown Chakra, the blissful Level

Whisper or no sound- this is felt rather than heard. Violet

The above levels and sounds are guidelines only to get one started. Focus on a particular chakra, and

imagine the corresponding sound as best you can. Try to feel it through your body and resonate on that

plane. This meditation will open you to clairaudience.

Pineal Meditation

This meditation expands intuitiveness and creativity and helps to open one’s mind to comprehend

information much easier.

1. Relax and go into a trance state

2. Inhale and visualize white-gold energy entering through your third eye into your pineal gland.

3. Draw the energy in with each inhale, then brighten, and expand your pineal gland with the

energy with each exhale.

4. The first few times you do this, affirm to yourself: "I am breathing in powerful white-gold

energy that is safely stimulating my pineal gland."

5. When you are finished, feel the energy for a few minutes and meditate on it. It should be very


This meditation activates and empowers the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the psychic powerhouse

of the brain. White-gold is the most powerful of all of the colors. It is the color of the Sun and this is

one of the reasons the original religions worshipped the Sun.

Empowering Your Hand Chakras

What this exercise does, when done

consistently is to establish an energy circuit

within the hand chakras. This energy can be

used for healing, opening other chakras,

applying energy or as with Dim Mak, the "death

touch." It also helps with telekinesis (moving

objects with one's mind and pyrokinesis (setting

objects on fire using the powers of the mind and

aura). In order to advance with these gifts, a

powerful aura is needed to act on the auras of


This exercise should be done at least once a day

to get your energy flowing freely through your

hand chakras.

1. Sit comfortably and relax. Try to go into a trance as the deeper the trance and level of

concentration, the better the results, especially when beginning this exercise. After an energy

current within the hand chakras is open and flowing, this can be done anywhere at will.

2. Put your hands facing each other, fingertips almost touching and relaxed. (Your fingers can be

slightly bent as in the illustration).

3. With the pad of your thumb, press into the palm of each of your hands, right in the hollow part.

4. Now, focus intensly upon your hands, especially your palms. Feel the area you pressed in with

your thumb.

5. Keep focusing all of your concentration and begin to feel a warm glow and energy between

your palms.

6. Begin to move your hands an inch or two apart slowly and back again to where your fingertips

are almost touching. Try to feel the energy between the palms of your hands. The more you

practice and the stronger your energy becomes, keep moving your hands in and out, further and

further apart until you can feel your energy as far apart as two or more feet.

7. Now, visualize a ball of white hot fire like the sun as in the picture above. Later on, you can use

colors. Feel the heat and energy from this ball of fire between your hands. This may feel as a

tingling or throbbing. For some people, it may even feel cold. The important thing is to get this

energy flowing and to *feel* it.

8. Now let your arms hang down and relax. Focus on energy flowing down your arms into your

hands. This may feel tingly and your lower arms and hands may feel pumped. This is a sign the

enrgy is flowing. Now repeat steps 5-7 above.

This exercise should be done every day for as long as it takes to really open your hand chakras

and establish a permanent flow of energy. With the proper practice, you should be able to feel

powerful energy between your hands when your hands are more than a foot apart.9. Do the above exercise 4 times.

This exercise should be done every day for as long as it takes to really open your hand chakras

and establish a permanent flow of energy. With the proper practice, you should be able to feel

powerful energy between your hands when your hands are more than a foot apart.

Ball of Light Meditation

The chakras are located along the spine, but they also extend to the front of our bodies, excluding the

crown and the base. Each of the chakras, the second through the sixth has an opposite chakra in the

front of the body along the abdomen. The sixth chakra has three. The rear sixth chakra located at the

occipital in the back of the head, the middle sixth chakra is located between the third eye and the

occipital sixth chakra.

To perform the meditation, visualize a small ball of

bright light the size of a ping-pong ball and light up a

chakra on your spine with it and pass it to the front

chakra directly opposite it and light it up, then pass it

back to the chakra on your spine. Keep passing it back

and forth to each chakra, then move up or down to the

next chakra (whichever one you want to work with).

The illustration on the left shows an example with the

sixth chakra.

You can either visualize the ball as white-gold light or

the color of the chakra you are working with.

You can also connect the crown to the base. I found the

energy center located in the perineum to be especially

powerful with this. Just pass it up and down.

Now another interesting thing one can do with this is to connect with another person and this greatly

enhances telepathy. For example, passing the ball back and forth from their heart chakra to your’s will

tell you about the other person’s emotional experiences and character.

To interrogate someone, pass the ball of light from your third eye to their third eye, back and forth.

Now, it is obvious you can, with experience invade others’ privacy and this also includes your own- just

something to be aware of if you don’t want anyone in your personal business. In that case, close down

your chakras, if someone does this against your will.

Ascending Energy Meditation

1. Lie down and begin by stimulating yourself to orgasm. Right at the point of the impending climax,

visualize a fiery brilliant bright light at your perineum (the area between your rectum and testicles for

men; or between the rectum and vagina for women).

2. Inhale and direct the energy from the orgasm while you are climaxing, up your spine. You should

visualize this as a bright white-gold light.* Draw the energy up your spine to the crown chakra where it

lights it up and empowers it, emerging from the top of your head and into your eighth gold chakra.

Brighten your eighth gold chakra.

3. Expand your eighth chakra into a ball approximately two feet in diameter

(60 cm).

4. Exhale and expand the energy from your eighth chakra and then direct it to descend down each side

of your body, down through the bottoms of your feet and back up to your base chakra where you inhale

it again.

5. Inhale and draw it in again at the base chakra, lighting it up and empowering it upon entering and

then visualize it ascending your spine again and repeat the above steps 2-5. With each circulation, you

can expand your aura with the energy.

The orgasm gets the energy going and you can keep circulating it for as long as you wish.

Always direct the energy up out your crown. The above pathway is the normal pathway for energy

surrounding the aura.

*White-gold is the most powerful of the colors as it is of the sun. Satan has a gold aura.

Opening Blocked Chakras

There are several ways to open blocked chakras. It is best to do them all and be consistent. You can

work this into your daily meditation program. Normally, there are three major knots. One at the base,

one at the heart and one at the 6th chakra. Usually, our base chakra is open. A burning sensation or

feeling of intense pressure in one of the chakras usually indicates the one above it is blocked. For

example, some people experience a burning in the throat, which indicates the 6th chakra is blocked.

1. Hand Energy

One way to unblock and empower a chakra is once you have a strong energy flow through your palm

chakras and fingertips, you can apply this to your individual chakras. You should feel a tingling

sensation and heat radiating from your palm chakras that indicates they are empowered and active.

Place your hand over whatever chakra you feel needs more energy and relax. Direct the energy from

your palm chakra into the selected chakra for anywhere from 5-15 minutes. A warm or burning

sensation in the chakra during and afterward, indicates the chakra is receiving the energy.

Doing this regularly will strengthen the selected chakra.

2. Chakra Breathing.

• Inhale and breathe in color energy into the blocked chakra. The energy should be the same color

as the chakra you are working on.

• Hold your breath for a count of six and visualize your chakra opening. Most agree the best

method is to visualize the bud of a flower blooming. Make sure you visualize the correct color.

• Exhale and brighten and expand the chakra

• Inhale through your base chakra brilliant white-gold light and direct it up your spine and

through the chakra you are trying to open and direct it out your crown.

• Exhale and visualize your chakra bright with the white-gold energy and expand it.

• Repeat the above exercise several times.

3. Sexual Orgasm

This is what the old alchemy texts implied. Just keep hitting it with orgasmic energy. Visualize a

brilliant light ascending into and through the chakra. This works well to open a meditation.

4. Breathe in through your entire aura and body the color energy of the blocked chakra. Visualize this

energy growing brighter and brighter and expanding with each exhale. Repeat several times.

Eventually, the chakra will be strong enough to naturally take up energy on its own. Strong chakras can

absorb energy. Weak chakras that are blocked are depleted and unable to attract and absorb energy on

their own. Weak and blocked areas create diseases associated with the particular chakra and visa-versa-

diseases create the weak chakra.

Choose one of more of the above exercises and do it/them daily until the problem is corrected.

Colors of Auras


Black absorbs, conceals, and creates confusion and chaos, new beginnings, knowledge of hidden

things, the container of light, one of the most powerful of colors. Use black for self control, endurance,

and patience. Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion to enemies. It can be used

also for protection, binding negative forces, breaking up obstacles and blocks, reversing and breaking

up negative thoughtforms. Best when applied to others.

Black rules over the base chakra, the planet Saturn, the element of earth and in the original religions, it

signified new beginnings. In Satanic alchemy, black represents the step of void meditation and



Truths, wisdom, protection, inner peace, loyalty, occult power and expansion. Jupiter rules royal blue-

Luck, expansion, abundance, long distance travel, higher education, legal matters, taxes, (use with

green) investments, foundations, prosperity, and opportunity. Spirituality, summoning Demons, healing,

inspiration, devotion, serenity, sincerity and truth, fidelity, inner peace, knowledge and wisdom,

harmony in the home, occult power and expansion. Blue can also be used in spells, when the color is

applied to others and directed for inciting depression, sadness, hopelessness, lack of sympathy,

coldness and gloom.

Blue rules over the throat chakra. Blue is of the water element.


Great Fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, (I believe gold attracts

larger sums of money. (Use green with shimmering gold for money meditation.) Gold is used for

healing, happiness, authority, reputation, honor, and personal power. Use gold for confidence, fame,

success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing,

protection, success, and magickal power.

Gold is one of the most powerful of the colors. Satan has a golden aura. Gold is the color of the Sun,

and is of the element of fire. In Satanic alchemy, gold represents the perfection of the soul. Both the

colors gold and white-gold are seen all over in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the temples and

pyramids. Gold is the color of riches and power.


Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, anti-

inflammatory. Venus rules green- Love, making love, (affectionate; red is for lust/sex), fidelity,

reconciliation, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social

functions, possessions, riches, indulgence, pleasure. Good for beginnings and growth. Venus rules

green- Abundance, fertility, success, general good luck, harmony, immortality, generosity, material

gain, renewal, marriage, balance and healing. Green can also be used for inciting jealousy, greed,

suspicion, resentment, sickness, disease, and disharmony when applied to others and directed. Green

rules the heart chakra.


Meditation, psychic ability, telepathy, mind reading, Spirit communication, absorbing knowledge telepathically. The Moon rules over indigo. Indigo is of the element of the quintessence/ether/spirit.

Indigo rules the third eye, along with the colors of silver and white, and the sixth chakra.


Creativity, enthusiasm, energy, stamina, and is a powerful color of major changes. Orange helps with

adaptability, attraction, sudden changes, stimulation, enthusiasm, creativity, energy, gaining control,

changing luck and inciting justice. The Sun rules orange. Orange rules the creative/sexual chakra (2nd),

and is of the element of fire.


Psychic ability, wisdom, divination, removing curses, healing, psychic work, business success,

influencing people in power. Powerful color with energies that can be difficult to handle. It can be used

when applied to others to incite tyranny, abuse of power, idealism and influencing people who have

power over you. Good for inciting sadness and treachery in others. Jupiter rules purple. Purple rules the

crown chakra.


Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength, protects against psychic attack. Mars rules red-

Revenge, anger, pure sexual lust, and physical gratification, courage, determination, dealing with

enemies. Red is used for inciting accidents, fires, and injuries. Red can also be used for self-confidence,

athletics, strength, creating magickal energy for black magick, (Good for selfempowerment before

workings of black magick) and inducing intensity. Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy,

dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics (especially competitive), and

vitality. When used in black magick, red as opposed to black brings on sudden attacks, accidents,

bloodshed, violence, and hatred. Red can also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty. Mars rules

red. Red is of the element of fire. Both the colors red and black rule the root chakra.


Develops psychic abilities, neutralizes situations, repels destructive forces, works with female deity

powers. The Moon rules the color silver- the home and immediate surroundings, imagination, memory,

psychic awareness/dreams, spirituality, meditation. For psychic related, meditative/hypnotic. The Moon

rules silver. Silver rules the third eye.


All purpose, balances the aura as all color emanates from white light. Energizing, protective,

stimulating, inspiring, destroys destructive energies, cleans the aura. Provides protection when applied

to others and directed. The Moon rules white. White rules the third eye, along with indigo and silver.


Yellow is the color of intellect, computers, communication, audio, video, TV, electronics, books, and

literature. Yellow rules the solar chakra of the will. Ruled by the planet Mercury- yellow can be used

for passing exams, improving the mind, for deeper concentration, mental power, learning ability,

speech, writing, publishing, media concerns, gossip, slander, interviews, brothers, sisters, neighbors,

rumors, theft, all areas of study and communication, also astral projection, overcoming addictions, and

breaking habits. Good for friendship, imagination, creativity (orange is more powerful for creativity),

inspiration and charisma. Yellow can be used to incite infidelity, cowardliness, decay, disease, dying,

insanity, and inconsistency in others.

Yellow is of the element of air. Yellow rules the solar plexus chakra.


NEVER USE GREY ON YOURSELF! Grey is the color of illness and bad energy. Grey, applied

repeatedly to the aura of a hated one, can bring about a slow death, if programmed to do so.

Chakra Breathing

To perform this meditation, you should already be experienced with the

Foundation Meditation.

Relax and enter into a trance state, then, instead of breathing in energy into your entire body as with the

energy meditation, breathe in energy into each one of your chakras, for seven breaths each. Seven

breaths is only a guideline; you can do more or less, but it is important to keep your chakras in balance.

It is important to not only breathe in the energy, but also to visualize it.

You can breathe in white-gold energy (the most powerful) or the color energy of the chakra.

When you are finished breathing each of the chakras, breathe in energy through all of your seven

chakras, front and back to meet in the middle.

After this, perform the Foundation Meditation.


This meditation can also be done on just one chakra that is lacking in energy or that is blocked. Just

apply the breathing one or more times a day. The rest of the meditation is unnecessary if you are

working on a specific weak chakra.

The sun is hundreds of times more powerful. The energy of the sun contains all

of the colors of the spectrum in their purest forms. Performing this full meditation out of doors under

the sun can give you incredible energy and is also very healing. Just affirm "I am breathing in powerful

white-gold (or whatever color) energy from the sun, into my ______ chakra." Repeat this several times

and then visualize yourself absorbing the energy and brightening your chakras with it.

Meditations for Astral Projection

Astral projection is where your soul actually leaves your body. This is different from remote viewing

where you enter into a trance and will yourself to a specific location. The following two meditations are

just basic guidelines. I suggest for more in depth information to click on the PDF links below.

Meditation 1

This meditation feels weird. Just make sure you seriously want to project, otherwise, any hesitation can

keep you in your body. You have to be relaxed, both mentally and physically. The first few times are

the most difficult. Like with anything else, consistent practice will make this easier, until you no longer

have to even enter into a deep trance, but can project any time at will. Some people find projecting

easier than others, as they have done this in past lives.

1. Get real comfortable and go into a trance. When you are so relaxed you can no longer feel your

body, you are ready.

2. Visualize your astral body inside your physical body, being held there by your seven chakras.

The chakras can be visualized like colored knobs.

3. Take each spinning chakra and stop it from spinning and give it a quarter turn in the reverse of

the direction it was spinning, like turning a doorknob.

4. Relax and let go and try to exit.

Meditation 2

This is more like a preparatory exercise. This one is not nearly as powerful as the one above, but less

intense for those of you who would rather do this gradually.

1. Lie down and relax, as above. Go into a trance. Relax to where you feel like you are floating.

2. Now, lift your left astral arm up. Visualize this. You will need to imagine this, but energy

follows where it is directed.

3. Lift up your right astral arm and touch your face

4. Touch both your astral hands together.

5. Do the same thing with each leg and foot.

6. Imagine your entire astral body floating above your physical body, or somewhere else in the

room and concentrate on being there. Just lie there and focus on this for a while.

Keep repeating this exercise often and eventually, as

Aura Empowering Meditation

This meditation is excellent for extra energy when done regularly. It is quite powerful and builds over

time. This meditation can also be done outside; drawing in energy form the Sun. This seriously

amplifies the energy.

1. Enter into a trance state, the deeper the better and begin by cleaning

your aura and chakras.

2. Breathe energy in for six breaths, visualizing a brilliant white-gold light surrounding your entire

head, both inside and out, down to your neck. Then relax and focus on feeling and visualize this energy

for around five minutes. This can be done while listening to music as this also helps with timing. After

this, breathe in energy and charge up your crown, third eye and your sixth chakra behind your third eye

by visualizing an even brighter light on each of these chakras.

3. Now move to your neck and do the same. Breathe in energy for six breaths and charge up your throat


4. Move to your shoulders and charge them up as you did with the other chakras, breathing energy in

for six breaths and then relaxing and focusing upon it for five minutes.

There are lesser chakras in all of the joints. Move down your arms and do the same with your elbows,

then wrists. The elbows and wrists contain minor chakras as well and by charging up and empowering

these; you open yourself up for a better energy flow. Now move down to your hands and visualize

either white-gold balls of energy in your palms. Concentrate and relax on this bright light lighting up

your arms and hands for several minutes.

5. Now, move to your torso, do the same, and charge up your heart, solar, sexual and base chakras with

the brilliant energy. Concentrate for several minutes on this.

6. Move to your hips and charge up the chakras in your hips with the energy and then your thighs and

knees. The knees contain small chakras as well. Move to your ankles, charge up the chakras there and

then to your feet. Visualize two balls of brilliant white-gold light beneath your feet, like you did with

your hands.

This exercise should not be done before bedtime as the energy can keep you awake.

For healing, after completing the above, just focus and place the light/energy onto the unhealthy body

part for 10-15 minutes. If you are doing any healing, this must be done every day and never skip a day

or progress could rebound.

Twin serpent meditation

This meditation was given

1. Relax and be completely comfortable. Clean your aura and chakras.

2. Visualize your base chakra lighting up into a brilliant glow. Then visualize

a brilliant stream of light rising from this glowing chakra. The stream of light

will then connect with your second chakra, lighting it up into a brilliant glow.

Do this, connecting each chakra and lighting it up all the way to the crown.

You may also want to connect your gold chakra above your head (this is


3. Now expand the stream of light into a staff. Visualize the pole spinning. Spin faster and faster. The

staff should be glowing brilliantly. Now, command the pole to spin at the speed of light.

4. Now focus at the base chakra again, glowing in a ball of brilliant light. From this base, two serpents

will emerge. They will move outwards, just like in the caduceus and then turn back inwards to connect

with each other at the second (sexual) chakra, lighting it up.

5. They move back outwards again and then inwards to connect with the third (solar) chakra, lighting it


6. Moving back outwards, they then turn in at the heart chakra and do the same. Continue this all the

way to the crown or 8th and 9th chakras.

7. Now go back and spin the staff at the speed of light.

8. Now return to the serpent if you wish to do another round and repeat.

Merging Consciousness

*When you are finished with merging with a human being or animal, be sure to clean your aura and

chakras thoroughly as their thoughts or beliefs can rub off on you. Always choose a healthy being when

you are new to this, be it a plant or a human being.

Meditation One:

1. Choose an object, this can be a crystal, a table- anything in your room. Beginners should start with

an object that is a single material, like a rock or playing dice.

2. Get comfortable and go into a trance state.

3. Look at the object in front of you for a minute or two and then close your eyes. Visualize the object.

4. Now enlarge the object so it is big enough for you to walk into in your mind and enter it.

5. Become one with the object and open your astral senses. What do you see, hear, smell, feel? Is it

cold or warm inside? What sensations do you feel? If the object is on a table or hard surface, *feel* that


Meditation Two:

Do the same as the above, only this time use a plant. This can be a tree or even a blade of grass. If you

don't have any house-plants, you might want to do this exercise out of doors. It is important that the

plant be alive.

With the plant exercise, *feel* the earth through the roots of the plant. How does this plant feel in

relation to other plants around it if out of doors?

Meditation Three:

Now, do the same as the above, but this time merge with an animal. You can visualize this animal if

you are not near any animals. If you have pets, then choose one of your pets and merge with your pet.

See through his/her eyes, hear through his/her ears; feel the floor or ground beneath his/her feet. How

does your pet's body feel? Is your pet warm? Cold? Hungry? What does your pet smell in the

environment? Use his/her nose. What is in your pet's mind? Animals think in visions.

Meditation Four:

Now, do the above with a person you know. You can choose a different person each day. Think with

their mind.

What the above exercises do:

Plenty. They are *very* important. When mastered, the above exercises will give you skills to...

• Shapeshift

• Communicate with animals

• Plant thoughts in the minds of others and to even possess them

• Fix electrical equipment and appliances- you can find the problem by merging with the item.

• Pull thoughts out of the minds of others and obtain information

• Diagnose disea

ses in humans and animals

• Students can use this to merge with their teachers to find what questions will be posted on an

important exam

All support is appreciated



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