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INTERNAL BLOCKAGE: CHANNELING THE “NECTAR” UPWARDS This method requires perseverant practice to a greater degree than any other method you will encounter.

It explains in detail the essential practice of seminal retention, the transmutationand sublimation of the energy, the changes and exchanges of energy between man and woman during lovemaking.

However, to start you should practice the method described in this article and only after mastering it completely move on to other techniques as well.

Most certainly, you will discover other effective techniques. Each individual is unique and special; therefore practice the technique that best suits you.

Remember that seminal retention is simply a means to an end, not the end itself. Preserve your seed and your sexual energy and use them to reach fulfillment in love and in your life.

Authentic esoteric methods are anything but complicated. They are simple, so that anyone may practice them. If the geniuses were the only persons suitable for the practice of esoteric methods, these methods would most certainly lose their practicality. The simplicity of love is itself a great mystery.

Nonetheless, once you get to practice this method, everything becomes simple. This technique, when practiced correctly, becomes an action performed with body, mind and soul at the same time.

If you consider that these three aspects of your being are not in harmony, practice asanas (especially the reversed ones) so that you will be prepared for the Great Ascension.

If your body is impure, then the vital energy has to unblock the stagnating energy and to purify the impurities, and consequently you might pass through a rough time.

However, due to perseverant practice, you will feel the vital energy in your physical body more invigorating than ever before. You will know this because your life will become peaceful and filled with love.


You have to “block” the nervous impulse that causes ejaculation, if you wish to resist to the pressure of imminent ejaculation.

The technique I am about to introduce to you is particularly powerful: it consists of a strong contraction of your perineal muscles, of your jaws, and of your fists. Perform this contraction after you finished the first set of penetrations.

Honesty note: though a woman can ascend on her own Mmmmhhhmmm hot dang I miss having a tantric partner. Chemistry is nice but notbbeing lazy is huge🤸‍♀️😜just being honest. Ya gotta want it, as in the "it" is a higher YOU. Few can pull it off, disciplinecand Ascension through sex 👉 how easier can ya get it? Discipline grasshopph


As a technique for beginners, perform three superficial thrusts followed by a deep one. The most sensitive part of the vagina is the area between the entrance to the vagina and the first five centimeters, as this area is filled with nervous endings and corresponds to the first five centimeters of the man’s penis.

If you penetrate your lover even deeper, your lover will contract her vaginal muscles even more, making your seminal retention a little more difficult. (Gotta becwith a pro 😜 or you both have to COMMIT)

Pulling out from a deep penetration is risky and complicated, and requires a great deal of control in order to be successful.

Practice will get you to perform 6 and then 9 superficial thrusts, alternating with a deep one. If you are a beginner in sexual continence, or you’ve just met a woman that you are very attracted to, it will be quite difficult for you to go all the 81 superficial thrusts and 9 deep thrusts without pausing.

Whenever you feel that ejaculation is imminent, stop and pull out (regardless of the number of penetrations) and contract the genital area. You also do not need to pull out entirely.

You may stay inside your lover’s vagina, but only with the head of your penis.

Remain still until you are in control again. Penetration generates a great wave of energy, as hundreds of billions of reproductive cells are more active than usually. Once the energy builds up in the genital area, the local nerves transmit the stimuli up the spine, to the head, where the impulse that unleashes ejaculation. In fact, orgasm is a happening in your mind. Consequently, all you need to do is train your mind to experience a different kind of orgasm.

If your lover attempts to wrap her legs around you, to pull you closer, you have to take the distance you need to regain the control on your sexual energy. Teach her to stop when you need to cool down. Remember that she is your best ally if you can make her cooperate.

A simple technique you can flow with, absolutely. Once you fall into the rhythm of your heart, your partner's heart and it all becomes a wave of thrusts, skin meeting skin, breath and ecstasy.

Happy Exploring your Vast Selves Kings!

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