The Solar plexus Chakra
The third chakra and breath self love technique
So ready for some psychedelic sex ❤
Will obviously be slightly fucked if the I Am and the I have are weak or hyper or slow sluggish weak
Low vibe
Feel slow
The I can
The I can is the birth of that flow
The areas that stimulate the I can, be they emotional or logical or strength
Are all great for this chakra.
And you see the "I can" fires that energy up and once through the heart has a great chance if at least making it to the third eye.
You have to know thyself
And know that the best way to do that is through another.
Experience and find out who you are not. Experience your way. Safely and set your boundaries and state your truth, speak it , hiss it, moan it, groan it
Enjoy it
Let it build up
Fill it up
And pour out of you
Onto your reality
Send your orgasm to the solar chakra
Hold that perineum
Squeeze that sphincter
Inhale that energy up
Own it up to the center if the sun
At your center
If you be a goddess then you squeeze that asshole, that Perineum, and hold the breath
Imagine that fire that light going up the spine
To the solar chakra
Both genders Swallow your saliva
Center that energy
Will it
Compress it to the center
Imagine it spinning
At the speed of light
Sit there and empower yourself
Exhale and send that energy into the atmosphere
Into what you and only you CAN manifest.
©2020 Shakti Durga Healing Arts