The Timeless Fungi snake charmer a Psychedelic share
Please note this was done in streamline writing, after a sananga 30 day season and rape Amazonian snuff. Apologies for any errors on Shakti's behalf, this is your guide and server Quan..We hope you just enjoy it as a trippy knowledge drop of things to make you think. contemplate and broaden the perspective of that which can be revealed and done through a medicine journey even if just imagined and integrated into daily life! That is Shakti's and my big passion. The Navigation and integration.
Enjoy, ty
Much respect to all who have had the courage, even when it wasn't cool, to share their psychedelic plant medicine experiences. I believe based on all that I have read, documented, studied, learned and experienced, that each psychedelic experience is individual, independent and unique. All those words and many more, if - we can get to the fact that each experience is still being perceived in union with the plant beings. Meaning the experience goes "through" each person and as it is going through the person it is also getting filtered by the person's own mental/ emotional and physical bodies. That is why, for example: they have done study groups where they have given plant medicine to men of the cloth ( priests and holy men of more than one religious or philosophical backgrounds), as well as people with addiction, trauma and of all backgrounds. Each plant medicine is independent and goes through you and that is very key when it comes to how it comes through you and us perceived by you. Just like life, it is also seen and felt through your perception. The Plant medicine works with you, not for you. The benefits of it all depend on the Vessel. You. Tidbit: People often do get to know things like LSD or acid is great for creativity and mushrooms for trauma, acceptance etc. but many times forget to acknowledge the vessel that the medicine will go through. Who is working with the plant medicine and what are they like? What is the vessel like? A very creative person or someone who has not been able to experience a breakthrough with mushrooms or who may have had a traumatic experience with another type of plant medicine (was given too much or took too much and maybe went into feeling unsafe onto a traumatic experience with one type of plant medicine) may be able to resolve a trauma with LSD. In this a true Shaman does not go the generic route of medicine. By that I mean, it's in a "per person" basis, from how their face looks, the color of the whites of their eyes, the health in general, the medical conditions, the medications they take, the emotional state, the trauma they believe they carry, their knowledge of what has happened to them ( if a trauma, how they see it) and so much more. Much much more. If people go to the doctor many times, the doctor will see the symptoms and treat the symptoms, not necessarily the person. Then on top of that, it is also, (at times), dependant on what the insurance covers and what big pharma perks that Doctor or office is given and if those *also* drive the Doctor's office and affect the decision making process. This too can happen to a Shaman. It's called capitalism. Capitalism in Duality just like anything in our world, can be great and just like it can be great and beneficial it can also be a negative thing. That is simple reality. The dark side of Shamanism, is a piece I wrote that is a bit about this and more, however first let's just jump into a share of a montage of experiences I had, that led me to respect and honor the plant medicine and the plant beings. Much gratitude Shakti Instead of simply sharing one experience I decided to share different unique moments from three different journeys. Reminding the reader that my vessel is not your vessel or like others as far as when it comes to my unique point of perception. Just like your unique point of perception being all yours and not in my book, not comparable to any one else's. That is the value in it to many. No judgement no comparison
what we can do is; learn more about the plant beings through our collective experiences. Also remember especially after the last post, remember where the writing is coming from. As many know, the native indigenous storyteller, metaphorical writing is what I do and as always for me, it isn't about people knowing the meaning of the words I share but instead about feeling and understanding the words and phrases. Pardon me if at times it is a Ramble but our ways of communication are a bit outdated to me to tell you the tr One of my experiences in my early thirties led to a key shift in how I saw and related to the plant medicine. My room and space I set up was very sacred as all my spaces are. There was color, lighting, an artsy setting with designs and things to stimulate my journey. There was a word that was repeated by a masculine voice, repeated over and over throughout what seemed like an hour or so. It was simply "Receive" "Receive" I would focus on the word at times hearing it pronounced and attempted to get that word going into an explanation of it all but when I would want to get deeper into it, it would simply get louder instead of offering any other words. "Receive" "Receive" That journey many things came through but the key one I wanted to share was that, that particular day the plant medicine gave me a warning. A slew of small particles seem to unite in mid air to form one being which was like a portal of light suspended in mid air and it gave me the warning to not go out till after my birthday. The exact words were " Do not go out till after your birthday. You will want to. But don't." I went out on my birthday and had a car accident. That simple birthday outing experience was to change my life and the lives of all around me, forever. It was one of the worst things that could happen to me, through me, by me and choice and also one of the best lessons that impacted everything. Every single thing. Time was needless to say, something I never ever saw the same way again. The boundaries and limitations of Time had been crossed, never was time ever to mean the same thing again. How could it? Especially when years later I served my "time" though minimal for that accident and the lesson created such a shift in parts of me beyond the Human body that words can not describe. We will come back to this in a moment. But first beyond time. Beyond space and time. Healing. On another occasion I had been Microdosing all year. It was about November time. It was about this time of season. I began, directly targeting, healing 👉 of any trauma that might have been influential or a direct link to the Neurological condition. So... Microdosing for the Neurological condition I am conquering. ( Gotta say "Conquering" 😎 words have deep power. Just ask anyone viciously annoyed by my grammar and metaphors ) My intent was to go deeply into an early childhood trauma and with the help of the plant medicine go through my own healing process within. The hope was that perhaps it would alleviate the physical pain if there was a tie, or would at the very least guide me to a source of internal strength and courage because you see, at this particular point, I was also mentally exhausted. [ Mental exhaustion, is often perfection. The mind is tired……? ...sweet! Get it? You do .just breathe] I experience extreme light sensitivity and much more and the symptoms are linked to Fibromyalgia/Lupus, herniated discs, bulging discs, pressure of veins around the eyes, past car accidents and also having gotten a virus in the rainforest that is believed to leave people with many long term conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis. So a big old web of possibilities and not many or any to be specific, cures. It is a bit of a nightmare and although there have been good Doctors that have wanted to do a lot for me unfortunately the medications or devices prescribed have made matters worse at times and after many expenses with more than one serious medical event in my life, if I was to exhaust all my finances I committed to doing so by healing my mind/ body/soul via another route a new one (!) and at the same time one filled with ancient wisdom/ techniques and practices along with Science and diagnostics. But during this particular season I was also mentally exhausted. Key thing that tired my mind. After spending a year mostly shut in because of the extreme light sensitivity, I was beginning acupuncture, ice baths and other things when the world began its own collective journey with the pandemic. The months were passing and my therapies we're shut down and I held on, in pain after what was two years of lock down for me, I was tired. . I found myself in a perfect space. I found myself in the perfect space and time to do a year long journey that included many things but among them microdosing and once every other month macro dosing and doing specific "purpose" journeys with the plant medicine. On this particular day I was having a Flare. No matter what the condition was called, or what I may or may not have, all my symptoms were On 🚨⚠️ super high! I was at the end of my year of dosing and really wanted to have a great larger dose earlier in the month, the Pain was debilitating me and mentally and I was very open. I believe that was what really did it. The tiered mind. I had no expectations but I had faith in the plant medicine because of the relationship I had and have with the plants. With an open heart and open mind I was ready to go deeper each time into trauma resolution and more strength, patience and courage, but that day there was the Flare, the excruciating pain and there was more in the mix when it came to the intent. I wanted a break. That day of all days I had no doubt in my mind, not one, that I deserved a moment without pain. I didn't want to escape the pain. No. Let me add more to the vibe of that day. The first moment I shared about the foretelling of the accident is just as important in my journey with the plants as any other experience but this second one is something that has influenced the direction I personally wish to go in and with the plant medicine. This second one I have documented and shared because it allowed me to personally experience the physical healing that so many around the globe talk about and document as well. It also gave me a deeper understanding of plant medicine as far as physical healing. Before I decided how much I did as I do with others which was to meditate, breathe and get me to a still point in which to decide my macro or larger dose for that journey. At times we may be influenced by the day and/or you plan on a dose and something happens and you do more or less on impulse. Meditation was good. I meditated and cried and cried. The pain was so much but the meditation before allowed me to get in alignment with what was good for me vs what my mind wanted to reach for. I was exhausted mentally so the mind jumped into "do a monster dose!" "Do enough to make the pain go way" But the soul knew better. Not sure how but I can tell you that at one point I had about 4 grams or 5 and I ended up doing just 2.7 to maybe 3 grams. I trusted the internal doctor more and it wasn't a big deal to go for less because I had worked with the medicine for so long. I knew and know, that more wasn't always more and that less wasn't always less. I talked to a friend for purposes of witness and just in case I couldn't write much it was a practice of mine to call on tribe. The documentation of my healing journey is one that is not necessarily for YouTube or book or modern day notoriety, it is simply put, for me. For my heart For my soul I like having a witness to it all. My life…. Glad you're watching this kind of vibe. Like selfies or something Like the lakes reflect trees so the why of that alone can go into a very long rabbit hole haha so let's just continue down the one we're at. I offered my friend to get him messages from his deceased mom if I was able to or any little thing that came through without hesitation. In the middle of my journey texting or writing was iffy but the voice messages were such a gift to be able to do. I recorded many messages to him. I did receive messages from the beyond. And time again seemed irrelevant. This particular journey has two parts I wish to pass on teachings about - so I will end at sharing this particular one because from these I Will go off into separate articles/ posts or "reads" as I call them. One on Time One on Healing And one additional read on abilities: precognition, vision or messages. For now, let's continue with the fact that I did see through the eyes of his mother and gave him messages only she would be able to deliver. I drifted in meditation and with the music into scenes from years ago in the past. But I was looking at a small boy, round and brown with a deep feeling of motherly love. I saw through another "perspective" how they went about the stores, quick glimpses of store keepers knowing the boy and I even felt the pride in the observation. The pride, was not mine. It was the pride his mother felt when he would tell the older store keepers what his mother was looking for and why. I wouldn't have been able to come up with this you see, because all that came through, my friend had never shared with me. I saw through someone else's eyes. Be that hers or some fictional imaginary character. It didn't feel like my eyes. And what I am touched by, which perhaps others aren't, is that I knew when I was in perception ownership ( for lack of better words of the time) and when it was the perception of another. I saw hands empty purse contents. I saw the hands turning a small purse upside down and all the contents falling to the top of a table or countertop. I knew the person, she, was looking for things to sew with, my mind wanted to know more! But I was only given that. Sewing and sewing materials and how she felt about it. I saw the boy again who would be my friend at age 9 or 10, a little boy, not yet a teenager. I felt how she loved cooking. How that to her was more than it was for others. I felt it. A scene of people eating and watching from a hallway was infused with that feeling of bliss and it was pure. I saw but also felt through this perception. I saw and felt through her. Not as if I was pretending to be her. No. I felt through this point of perspective. It has happened before, I wrote about it in the Devil's trumpet experience. Seeing from myself and my own perspective and then shifting to the perspectives of passersby and that of a friend. Feeling as if a shift and filling in of another body or point of perspective happened all at once in my body. The same occurred, the shift, the invisible motion of experience through another during this one. I saw the perspective of this woman from this woman or perhaps just a glimpse through another lens in time. The amount of information shared included a key thing. The seal the deal, confirmation mark, as I call it. The key thing. This perspective, this vision, this soul, this energy, shared that she had tried to raise a man she could love, trust and admire because her love for the sacred masculine was tainted and jaded. What she wanted to raise in him was what others on her path had lacked. He My friend had never shared with me that his father had left them. That this man had been a womanizer and all he was not. All was confirmed. Although, indeed I could have gone into a deep intune vibe. Those were things that had not been shared nor spoken of. Even the walking, the trips to the stores,the sewing, the eating and feeding . . . It was all her One of my experiences in my early thirties led to a key shift in how I saw and related to the plant medicine. My room and space I set up was very sacred as all my spaces are. There was color, lighting, an artsy setting with designs and things to stimulate my journey. There was a word that was repeated by a masculine voice, repeated over and over throughout what seemed like an hour or so. It was simply "Receive" "Receive" I would focus on the word at times hearing it pronounced and attempted to get that word going into an explanation of it all but when I would want to get deeper into it, it would simply get louder instead of offering any other words. "Receive" "Receive" That journey many things came through but the key one I wanted to share was that, that particular day the plant medicine gave me a warning. A slew of small particles seem to unite in mid air to form one being which was like a portal of light suspended in mid air and it gave me the warning to not go out till after my birthday. The exact words were " Do not go out till after your birthday. You will want to. But don't." I went out on my birthday and had a car accident. That simple birthday outing experience was to change my life and the lives of all around me, forever. It was one of the worst things that could happen to me, through me, by me and choice and also one of the best lessons that impacted everything. Every single thing. Time was needless to say, something I never ever saw the same way again. The boundaries and limitations of Time had been crossed, never was time ever to mean the same thing again. How could it? Especially when years later I served my "time" though minimal for that accident and the lesson created such a shift in parts of me beyond the Human body that words can not describe. We will come back to this in a moment. But first beyond time. Beyond space and time. Healing. On another occasion I had been Microdosing all year. It was about November time. It was about this time of season. I began, directly targeting, healing 👉 of any trauma that might have been influential or a direct link to the Neurological condition. So... Microdosing for the Neurological condition I am conquering. ( Gotta say "Conquering" 😎 words have deep power. Just ask anyone viciously annoyed by my grammar and metaphors ) My intent was to go deeply into an early childhood trauma and with the help of the plant medicine go through my own healing process within. The hope was that perhaps it would alleviate the physical pain if there was a tie, or would at the very least guide me to a source of internal strength and courage because you see, at this particular point, I was also mentally exhausted. [ Mental exhaustion, is often perfection. The mind is tired……? ...sweet! Get it? You do..just breathe] I experience extreme light sensitivity and much more and the symptoms are linked to Fibromyalgia, herniated discs,bulging discs, pressure of veins around the eyes, past car accidents and also having gotten a virus in the rainforest that is believed to leave people with many long term conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis. So a big old web of possibilities and not many or any to be specific, cures. It is a bit of a nightmare and although there have been good Doctors that have wanted to do a lot for me unfortunately the medications or devices prescribed have made matters worse at times and after many expenses with more than one serious medical event in my life, if I was to exhaust all my finances I committed to doing so by healing my mind/ body/soul via another route a new one (!) and at the same time one filled with ancient wisdom/ techniques and practices along with Science and diagnostics. But during this particular season I was also mentally exhausted. Key thing that tired my mind. After spending a year mostly shut in because of the extreme light sensitivity, I was beginning acupuncture, ice baths and other things when the world began its own collective journey with the pandemic. The months were passing and my therapies we're shut down and I held on, in pain after what was two years of lock down for me, I was tired. . I found myself in a perfect space. I found myself in the perfect space and time to do a year long journey that included many things but among them microdosing and once every other month macro dosing and doing specific "purpose" journeys with the plant medicine. On this particular day I was having a Flare. No matter what the condition was called, or what I may or may not have, all my symptoms were On 🚨⚠️ super high! I was at the end of my year of dosing and really wanted to have a great larger dose earlier in the month, the Pain was debilitating me and mentally and I was very open. I believe that was what really did it. The tiered mind. I had no expectations but I had faith in the plant medicine because of the relationship I had and have with the plants. With an open heart and open mind I was ready to go deeper each time into trauma resolution and more strength,patience and courage, but that day there was the Flare, the excruciating pain and there was more in the mix when it came to the intent. I wanted a break. That day of all days I had no doubt in my mind, not one, that I deserved a moment without pain. I didn't want to escape the pain. No. Let me add more to the vibe of that day. The first moment I shared about the foretelling of the accident is just as important in my journey with the plants as any other experience but this second one is something that has influenced the direction I personally wish to go in and with the plant medicine. This second one I have documented and shared because it allowed me to personally experience the physical healing that so many around the globe talk about and document as well. It also gave me a deeper understanding of plant medicine as far as physical healing. Before I decided how much I did as I do with others which was to meditate, breathe and get me to a still point in which to decide my macro or larger dose for that journey. At times we may be influenced by the day and/or you plan on a dose and something happens and you do more or less on impulse. Meditation was good. I meditated and cried and cried. The pain was so much but the meditation before allowed me to get in alignment with what was good for me vs what my mind wanted to reach for. I was exhausted mentally so the mind jumped into "do a monster dose!" "Do enough to make the pain go way" But the soul knew better. Not sure how but I can tell you that at one point I had about 4 grams or 5 and I ended up doing just 2.7 to maybe 3 grams. I trusted the internal doctor more and it wasn't a big deal to go for less because I had worked with the medicine for so long. I knew and know, that more wasn't always more and that less wasn't always less. I talked to a friend for purposes of witness and just in case I couldn't write much it was a practice of mine to call on tribe. The documentation of my healing journey is one that is not necessarily for YouTube or book or modern day notoriety, it is simply put, for me. For my heart For my soul I like having a witness to it all. My life…. Glad you're watching this kind of vibe. Like selfies or something Like the lakes reflect trees so the why of that alone can go into a very long rabbit hole haha so let's just continue down the one we're at. I offered my friend to get him messages from his mom if I was able to or any little thing that came through without hesitation. In the middle of my journey texting or writing was iffy but the voice messages were such a gift to be able to do. I recorded many messages to him. I did receive messages from the beyond. And time again seemed irrelevant. This particular journey has two parts I wish to pass on teachings about - so I will end at sharing this particular one because from these I Will go off into separate articles/ posts or "reads" as I call them. One on Time One on Healing And one additional read on abilities: precognition, vision or messages. For now, let's continue with the fact that I did see through the eyes of his mother and gave him messages only she would be able to deliver. I drifted in meditation and with the music into scenes from years ago in the past. But I was looking at a small boy, round and brown with a deep feeling of motherly love. I saw through another "perspective" how they went about the stores, quick glimpses of store keepers knowing the boy and I even felt the pride in the observation. The pride, was not mine. It was the pride his mother felt when he would tell the older store keepers what his mother was looking for and why. I wouldn't have been able to come up with this you see, because all that came through, my friend had never shared with me. I saw through someone else's eyes. Be that hers or some fictional imaginary character. It didn't feel like my eyes. And what I am touched by, which perhaps others aren't, is that I knew when I was in perception ownership ( for lack of better words of the time) and when it was the perception of another. I saw hands empty purse contents. I saw the hands turning a small purse upside down and all the contents falling to the top of a table or countertop. I knew the person, she, was looking for things to sew with, my mind wanted to know more! But I was only given that. Sewing and sewing materials and how she felt about it. I saw the boy again who would be my friend at age 9 or 10, a little boy, not yet a teenager. I felt how she loved cooking. How that to her was more than it was for others. I felt it. A scene of people eating and watching from a hallway was infused with that feeling of bliss and it was pure. I saw but also felt through this perception. I saw and felt through her. Not as if I was pretending to be her. No. I felt through this point of perspective. It has happened before, I wrote about it in the Devil's trumpet experience. Seeing from myself and my own perspective and then shifting to the perspectives of passersby and that of a friend. Feeling as if a shift and filling in of another body or point of perspective happened all at once in my body. The same occurred, the shift, the invisible motion of experience through another during this one. I saw the perspective of this woman from this woman or perhaps just a glimpse through another lens in time. The amount of information shared included a key thing. The seal the deal, confirmation mark, as I call it. The key thing. This perspective, this vision, this soul, this energy, shared that she had tried to raise a man she could love, trust and admire because her love for the sacred masculine was tainted and jaded. What she wanted to raise in him was what others on her path had lacked. He My friend had never shared with me that his father had left them. That this man had been a womanizer and all he was not. All was confirmed. Although, indeed I could have gone into a deep intune vibe. Those were things that had not been shared nor spoken of. Even the walking, the trips to the stores, the sewing, the eating and feeding . . . . . . It was all her or the energy of that thread, the vibration flowing endlessly throughout time.
All was confirmed and had never been shared in the waking and logical but on that day, I walked and saw through her lens, or perhaps another may say I saw into his memories, either way not explained precisely by science or anything.
But wait there was more.
Before beginning my journey, I had called my friend and was still ranting about taking a monster dose but I had also said something that had so much energy and because of that had set the tone.
The ultimate vibration of the journey.
I said that if anyone deserved to not feel pain for just a little it was me. My words could not express the passion that laced them. I said that I "deserved" the healing and I said I would not accept less.
I wasn't angry. No.
The vibration of my god, my god, why have you forsaken me…
Was not one of anger or victim, it was one of Questioning
"What more must I prove to you? I am here aren't I, I have believed and still believe...what more?"
It is said as a faithful student not anger. The spirit tiered but knowing it's all beyond words, worth and value, this here and now.
And so as a student saying
"Bring it!"
"Bring it! I believe!"
I did.
I was simply admitting that I was so very tired.
That journey had me seeing Anubis at my door.
He was made up of little light dots.
It was made of light and the only way I can describe it was that there was a crystalline like tall Anubis "at the door"
He was guarding it. I felt it.
The plant beings, perhaps, helped me see that or it was random.
Then a triangle formed by shadows captured my attention.
Captivated it.
It was a pyramid.
That was all my perspective and mind could see.
I focused intensely on this pyramid.
Not sure how long.
And then I received a golden shower haha from someone or something else.
Literally light emitted from the point of the pyramid and bathed me.
The golden light seemed to come from this pyramid on the wall formed by shadows and light .
I decided to open my arms and I cried.
I cried and cried but it seemed timeless. As if I were dreaming, alive and hoping, wishing, receiving, manifesting, creating. . . all in one.
I have no words.
I felt as if I were 5 or 3 years old. I felt limbs and hands as if new and there is no way to really share this because we just don't feel those things in the "real".
I felt no
I then cried more.
I could not describe it, if I wanted to. It was pure. A purity we are not exposed to these days.
It felt familiar but not like anything I had felt in "recent" times, as of late, but I was timeless and so it goes.
I felt painless.
I remember falling to the ground in gratitude.
All I could feel was gratitude.
No questions
No what ifs
Just grateful.
I recorded a voice message to my friend telling him what I was experiencing.
I returned to pain in the waking but that pain free moment has sparked another phase or season for me in healing.
When I have asked the plant beings why the Neurological condition I have and why the pain? My answer was that
"My pain was my gift"
Many channelers and shamans have taken a stab at that unexpected reply I received. And so I carry it although somehow believe that indeed it might be as it has healed so much of the human condition in me and I have become through it, a better person. More humane more human and less animalistic reptilian brain reactive instinct driven.
After that particular dose I haven't experienced a flare up like that day
There was another thing that I saved for last.
At the beginning of the journey I was with eyes covered and music on, but I had to go to the bathroom and so stepped into reality quite suddenly and with purpose.
Stepping out of meditation to go handle my physical business was not new.
I opened my eyes and saw shadows on the ceiling.
I stood up.
I had the urge to look at my hands.
Then thought;
" Wow! So this is what it looks like"
I heard that thought. .
The I
Beyond the I
I heard it.
( Remember that the real you they say ( we say) is the listener, the observer observing but this was different. )
So we continue -
I looked down at my hands and although this was not on my mind at all, once I saw them I thought . . .wtf?
My skin went in and out
I would see the arm and hand and fingers but then I would see scales and
I freaked out.
I went to a mirror
I looked at myself and again -
the in and out what I saw was what looked like a lizard somewhat see-through or like a hologram over my human face.
It was very Snake like reptile skin and features over my own. . . somehow I was supposed to understand that as well but immediately I went to lie back down and focused instead - back- on the music.
These two experiences changed the meaning of time for me.
As I mentioned in a previous blog I later went on to hear in Medical processional lectures which included real cancer patient testimonials about having gone into remission or completely healed after Psilocybin one time dose in one case and microdosing therapy for another.
These two experiences blew open the word "Healing" for me and all that I understood it to mean, till then. These two experiences had elements that were real even if just access to my friends' memories. These two experiences were not from Monster doses and once seeing the Snake in the mirror I could have gone in that direction but I did not. I do feel that you co captain your trip and that we are allowed to see more or can see more because of the plant medicine sharing itself through us.
These two experiences gave the phrases or terms: "point of perception", individual "perspective" and "we are one" a whole new wide open meaning.
I never saw trees or plants as just props so I can not say that working with the plant medicine has changed how I see the plant beings and I will include more on this because it's just how it was passed on to me by some and what as a child I chose to believe.
I have seen trees resemble lovers and many things when not working with any psychedelic plant medicine. Since I was a kid. Later I just happen to know when trees are going to get cut down simply because of their stance and the way I sense this huge energy of "defense", a passive unearthly warrior stance.
I don't believe in today's Monsters Dose craze, because less in many cases is more.
It isn't about melting into the couch and imagining or seeing fractals and suddenly knowing the answer to the universe one moment and the next day simply having another ego death story to tell. Sounds harsh but I am positive that taking the time to do less, consistent self guruing if you will, taking responsibility for your side of the work agreement haha which it is receive they serve, being active in integration and so many other time consuming non western things, serves an individual more than repeated monster doses.
Some Do take a monster dose and maybe repeat that three or four times in the span of their lives. That is good. Meaning, responsible, respectful towards something you don't fully understand, self aware, owning their paths and making sure they take those experiences and maximize them by their own efforts and energy, logic and emotions.
I am not strictly opposed to the larger doses is all. Not against anything but sharing what I believe after working with many people and being in this since I was a teen inhaling Terence McKenna.
If working with the medicine you work with the medicine you don't sit comatose watching it all go by. Doing more can get you a miraculous experience or the "popular" death of the ego that so many experience but do not seem to be able to integrate afterwards for the good of all, especially for themselves. I do not criticize it, that's not my vibe. What I feel is a bit saddened because to me they are beings with so very much to offer and we should work with them absolutely. Work with them. Not consume them or see them as options like Bayer and Tylenol.
More to come as always sharing of myself. All of me whatever that may be. That's all I got. Namaste. Cheers. Aloha. Love and respect and bows to you and your very sacred path.
